#OlesyaKhromeychuk writes: “It's an honour to see [her book] The Death of a Soldier on Open Democracy’s list of must-read books about Ukraine. Thank you, Tom Rowley! Check out the rest of the list! It includes books by Serhii Plokhii, Yulia Yurchenko, Marko Bojcun and others! https://opendemocracy.net/en/odr/ukraine-books-war-history-politics-russia-self-determination/ #Ukraine #UkraineWar
#OlesyaKhromeychuk #ukraine #UkraineWar
Below left are the books I’ve read since #Russia invaded #Ukraine in Feb 2022 on #Ukraine and its #history, #Putin & #tyranny. #EastWestStreet by #PhilippeSands is particularly good, and Sands wrote the foreword to “Death of a Soldier Told by His Sister” by historian #OlesyaKhromeychuk, Director of the Ukrainian Institute London https://ukrainianinstitute.org.uk/ which I’m currently reading (below right). The “war in eastern Ukraine” she refers to is the one that started in 2014, only we ignored it …
#russia #ukraine #history #putin #tyranny #EastWestStreet #philippesands #OlesyaKhromeychuk
#OlesyaKhromeychuk “The Death of a Soldier Told by His Sister” #Ukraine #UkraineWar #СлаваУкраïнi
#OlesyaKhromeychuk #ukraine #UkraineWar #СлаваУкраïнi