Handheld shot of the moon with my om-1 and Leica DG 100-400mm @ 400mm. #themoon #moon #om1 #Olympus #mftphoography
#themoon #moon #om1 #Olympus #mftphoography
A crocus in downtown Corvallis. #mftphotography #olympus #omd1 #flowers #crocus #spring #corvallis #oregon
#mftphotography #Olympus #omd1 #flowers #crocus #spring #corvallis #oregon
Couple Finds Trove of 2,000 Cameras and Lenses in Storage Unit https://petapixel.com/2023/02/27/couple-finds-trove-of-2000-cameras-and-lenses-in-storage-unit/ “The vast majority of the collection is #Miranda and #Minolta. There’s also a good amount of FEDs, Voigtlander, Zorkis, Zenits, Fujicas, #Yashicas, Pentaxs, Prakticas, Mamiya Sekors, Exaktas, #Olympus’s, Exas, Petris, #Konicas, and some TLRs and other brands I can’t think of at the moment. … cases, flashes, tripods, adapters, filters, body caps, lens caps, magazines, mounts, books, pamphlets, …service manuals
#miranda #minolta #yashicas #Olympus #konicas
#olympus #ShotOnOlympus #OM1 #landscape #chattanooga #photography #MicroFourThirds #aerialphotography
Aerial shot of Harrison Bay at winter pool level 🎣
OM1 / 12-100 pro 📷
Cessna 172 🛩️
#Olympus #shotonolympus #OM1 #landscape #chattanooga #photography #microfourthirds #aerialphotography
This big-eyed beetle is a Springtail-stalker (Notiophilus sp. [Notiophilus biguttatus if got the ID features correct with distances between lines on elytra and number ridges head]), a small #Carabidae ground beetle. I have found this genus a few times, but first time getting a photo. Found this one in the leaf litter of a mixed woodland.
Almost feel bad for the humble springtail with a predator like this.
#carabidae #biodiversity #ecology #macrophotography #Olympus
Splish splash! A wild California brown pelican takes a bath in the ruins of San Francisco’s Sutro Baths.
#sanfranciso #bird #birding #birdphotography #pelican #wildlife #wildlifephotography #photovember #sfwildlife #Olympus
#Olympus #sfwildlife #photovember #wildlifephotography #wildlife #pelican #birdphotography #birding #bird #sanfranciso
Nice work! A fellow #Olympus shooter I see, best choice for outdoors and wildlife for me!
I grew up in #Greece, and reading about our #ancient #mythology was my favorite hobby. I particularly loved #goddess #Athena. She was both a strong #warrior, but also the patron of #knowledge, which for me, was the most important attribute. My role model while growing up... along #MrSpock of #StarTrek.
This is my #watercolor rendition of her, paying my tribute.
#MastoArt #mastodonart #greek #illustration #traditionalart #olympus #athens
#greece #ancient #mythology #goddess #athena #warrior #knowledge #MrSpock #startrek #watercolor #MastoArt #mastodonart #greek #illustration #traditionalart #Olympus #athens