Some more notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (S2, 8/...)
“Many white families have indeed worked hard and sacrificed. But Black families were often legally locked out of the wealth-generating mechanisms white families accepted as their birthright. Racial inequality arose not out of a superior white work ethic but from aspects of struetural racism that transmuted whiteness into property.”
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory
Some more notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (S2, 7/...)
#WhitenessAsProperty is not easy reading as a White person
But the exclusion of Black Veterans from the GI Bill, of certain predominantly Black domestic workers from Social Security, as well as well-known redlining stories… well read Ray on this
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #WhitenessAsProperty
Some more notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (S2, 6/...)
“For much of U.S. history, whiteness meant one could legally enslave people, and their children, in perpetuity- and whiteness protected one from being so enslaved. Whiteness meant that supposedly binding treaties were mere suggestions... Whiteness allowed people to eliminate economic competition through the mob violence of lynching, or through riots destroying Black communities, and face no legal consequences…
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory
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Ch 6: #WhitenessAsProperty
#CherylHarris in a classic article developed #WEBDuBois's notion of "the wages of Whiteness"
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #WhitenessAsProperty #CherylHarris #WEBDuBois
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and examines data on #MedicaidExpansion suggesting some White Americans are willing to give up real benefits as long as giving up those benefits hurts Black Americans worse
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #MedicaidExpansion
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Ray cites #MaryDudziak's historical research showing, for example, that State Department pressure against segregation came as Soviet propoganda was hammering the US overseas about its racial hypocrisy
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #MaryDudziak
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This is not the claim there are no allies or antiracists of good faith
But it is the claim that the story of civil rights is best understood as more than just a moral reckoning
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory
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Chapter 5: Interest Convergence
Derrick Bell: "the interest of blacks in achieving racial equality will only be accommodated when it converges with the interests of whites"
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory
Part of what makes #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory such a #delight to read is his humility and genuine respect and affection for the foundational scholars whose brilliant work he is explaining
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #delight
Another note from #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology
Even ineffective “antidiscrimination programming [has been ruled by courts as] a good-faith effort and can protect companies from legal liability.”
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (19/...)
Chapter 4: racial progress
We ain’t gonna get anywhere without work
“Like most effective #propaganda, America’s reigning narrative of racial progress takes partial truths, and attempts to elevate them to incontestable facts”
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #propaganda
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (18/...)
Let’s pause for a word from #ThurgoodMarshall on the #constitutionality of race-aware policies:
“During most of the past 200 years, the #Constitution, as interpreted by this #Court, did not prohibit the most ingenious and pervasive forms of discrimination against the Negro. Now, when a state acts to remedy the effects of that legacy of discrimination, I cannot believe that the same Constitution stands as a barrier”
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #ThurgoodMarshall #constitutionality #constitution #court
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (19/...)
Chapter 4: racial progress
We ain’t gonna get anywhere without work
“Like most effective propaganda, America’s reigning narrative of racial progress takes partial truths, and attempts to elevate them to incontestable facts”
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (18/...)
Let’s pause for a word from #ThurgoodMarshall on the #constitutionality of race-aware policies:
“During most of the past 200 years, the #Constitution, as interpreted by this #Court, did not prohibit the most ingenious and pervasive forms of discrimination against the Negro. Now, when a state acts to remedy the effects of that legacy of discrimination, I cannot believe that the same Constitution stands as a barrier”
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #ThurgoodMarshall #constitutionality #constitution #court
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (17/...)
which brings us back to a key point from the introduction
Although "fighting against racial is also a central to American history",
"opponents of racial equality sought not simply to destroy antiracist messengers, but to make understanding and fighting against racism unthinkable"
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (16/...)
"#ColorblindRacism [rhetorics] also allow their users to claim their opponents are bringing race into otherwise race-neutral situations. Highlighting the codes, dog whistles, and evasions of colorblindness can bring accusations of 'pulling the race card', which [falsely] equates noticing racial inequality with perpetuating racial inequality"
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #ColorBlindRacism
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (15/...)
"#ColorblindRacism is a characteristic of many of the most damaging rollback of civil rights law. By co-opting civil rights language, reactionaries attempted to seize the moral high grant while undermining affirmative action, voting rights, equal employment opportunities, and school desegregation"
Remember that #MalcolmX quote from above?
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #ColorBlindRacism #MalcolmX
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (14/...)
Ray is also sometimes very very funny, as in presenting the “White Cultural Aphorism: Some of my best friends are Black”
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (13/...)
"Once biases are built into seemingly legitimate social sorting mechanisms, no ill intent is needed--following the rules reproduces racial inequality"
[#TextToSelfConnection: like for medical devices like pulse oximeters in triage, #PulseOx:
or @AshFawzyMD's]
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #TextToSelfConnection #PulseOx
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (12/...)
"What matters in these cases is not just the dislike potential employers have toward people of color. What matters is that they are empowered by their role as gatekeepers responsible for distributing resources"
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory