I have finished #Reading Stephen King’s #OnWriting. It took me 13 days and is a grand accomplishment. I’ve not been able to read much for years. Covid seems to have leveled what reading ability I had after a few years of struggling. This time I want to keep reading. Maybe it’s coming back? I sure hope so.
Me. 👇 As a puppy around 46 years ago.
I've tried to maintain this whimsical feeling. Red-eyes and all.
Wish me luck.
~Øle Ø. #WriteOn 
#AmWriting #OnWriting #BraveWrite
#Vss365 #Writerslife #WritingCommunity #ØleBarks #PoetryCommunity #JohnMastodon's 🐶 puppy youth.
#woof #writeon #amwriting #OnWriting #BraveWrite #vss365 #writerslife #writingcommunity #olebarks #poetrycommunity #johnmastodon
"Hello insomnia my old friend, I've come to talk with you again.
With my vision softly not creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was rolling in my brain, still remains, in the sounds of Mastodon."
~Øle Ø. #WriteOn ✍
#AmWriting #OnWriting #BraveWrite
#Vss365 #Writerslife #WritingCommunity #ØleLyrics #PoetryCommunity #Sing #Song #Songs #JohnMastodon's #Music
#writeon #amwriting #OnWriting #BraveWrite #vss365 #writerslife #writingcommunity #olelyrics #poetrycommunity #sing #song #songs #johnmastodon #music
Can't be doing anything that has dialogue or lyrics, other people's words filtering through are a distraction. Soundtracks are better for me, especally if they evoke a whole mood that matches the words I'm trying to get out.
I've found that dramatic music - The King, King Arthur - seems to help with pacing an action scene, helps me hit those beats and lulls.
Whatever works, eh.
#OnWriting #writing #writingcommunity
One more project to finish before I can have two months to myself for writing. That being said, I live with two lovable creatures who howl for human interaction and feeding. I also have two cats.
... is just another word for insomnia.
The cruel arbiter, of wide-eyed delusional visions, dreams or imaginations.
Especially at - 3am in the morning - wherever it is right now.
***Awake my insomniac friends!***
Where have you been - my whole sleeping life?
It's time to rouse the muses to serve only us!
~Øle Ø. ✍ #WriteOn
#writeon #Muses #amwriting #OnWriting #BraveWrite #vss365 #writerslife #writingcommunity #poetrycommunity #feralwriter #throwbackthursday
*Fry: "Put not your trust in Princes my dear. Nor in an aging author, who has never been what you might call, a shining example when it came to keeping his word
*Muse Calliope: "But you promised."
*Fry : "Writers are liars my dear. Surely you've realized that by now."
~ DerickJacobi playing: Erasmus Fry in Sandman episode 11, "Dream of a Thousand Cats/#Calliope"
Write ✍ on. ~Øle Ø.
#Muses #amwriting #OnWriting #BraveWrite #vss365 #writerslife #writingcommunity
I just started #reading #OnWriting by #StephenKing I know I am late to the party A #friend suggested it over lunch about a month ago Have you #Read it #Reading #Writing #WritingCommunity #readinglist #amwriting
#reading #OnWriting #stephenking #friend #read #writing #WritingCommunity #ReadingList #amwriting
"Imaginations are finite spirits - of our own individual souls:
#WriteOn. ~Øle Ø.
#writeon #imagination #write #OnWriting #BraveWrite #vss365 #writerslife #writingcommunity #feralwriter #oldtwitrepeat
* Unity is the shallowest, the cheapest deception of all compositions.
* Every piece of writing, it matters not what it is, has unity. Inexpert or bad writing most terribly so.
* But ability in an essay is multiplicity, infinite fracture, the intercrossing of opposed forces establishing any number of opposed centres of stillness.
William Carlos Williams #OnWriting#