Nos últimos dois dias, a Europa experimentou uma #ondadecalor sem precedentes.
Com as temperaturas globais subindo, este pode ser o verão “mais frio” do resto de nossas vidas. A hora de agir é agora.
Prevenção, preparação e resposta são fundamentais para evitar mais devastação.
RT @EU_ECHO: The past two days, Europe has experienced an unprecedented #heatwave2022. ☀️🌡️
With global temperatures rising, this could be ''the coldest''…
RT @CopernicusEU: #OlaDeCalor #OndaDeCalor
A new #Heatwave is ongoing over western Europe 🇪🇸🇵🇹
Air Temperature has already started to rise over the past weekend
On 10 July, the Land Surface Temperature #LST measured by #Sentinel3 🇪🇺🛰️ had already exceeded 60°C 🌡️
NB: LST is not air Temperature
#OlaDeCalor #OndaDeCalor #heatwave #LST #Sentinel3
RT @CopernicusEU: #OlaDeCalor #OndaDeCalor
A new #Heatwave is ongoing over western Europe 🇪🇸🇵🇹
Air Temperature has already started to rise over the past weekend
On 10 July, the Land Surface Temperature #LST measured by #Sentinel3 🇪🇺🛰️ had already exceeded 60°C 🌡️
NB: LST is not air Temperature
#OlaDeCalor #OndaDeCalor #heatwave #LST #Sentinel3
A new #Heatwave is ongoing over western Europe 🇪🇸🇵🇹
Air Temperature has already started to rise over the past weekend
On 10 July, the Land Surface Temperature #LST measured by #Sentinel3 🇪🇺🛰️ had already exceeded 60°C 🌡️
NB: LST is not air Temperature
#OlaDeCalor #OndaDeCalor #heatwave #LST #Sentinel3