I may be quite alone in that position.
I have the impression that every week someone else milks #DnD. Some will tell you that their #OSR #clone / #ripoff is straight out of Dave's and Gary's tomb and therefore the real #ttrpg stuff! The others never tire of praying the #dnd5e (compatibility) catechism up and down.
Both: Get lost and stop bothering me with your lame sermon(s). "Be brave. Be bold.": Fuck this #d20 shit!
#dnd #osr #clone #ripoff #ttrpg #dnd5e #d20 #notdnd #OneDND
Hey #pnpde, ich mag #dnd5e, werde aber den (Nicht-)Versionssprung auf #OneDnD nicht mitgehen sondern bei 5E bleiben. Auf dem Bild seht ihr meine aktuelle D&D-Sammlung. Dazu kommt noch Xanathars Ratgeber. Nehmen wir mal an, ich würde noch 2 bis maximal 3 Bücher hinzufügen wollen, bevor ich sage: so, das war's jetzt - welche wären eure Favoriten? Deutsch/Englisch egal, und es geht mir erstmal nur um WoTC Releases, nicht um Third Party Bücher.
@Followpawl es gibt ja zum Glück such Rollenspiele abseits vom D&D. Da kann einem #oneDnD usw egal sein.
News Digest for April 28, 2023 - New #OneDnD playtest, #Pathfinder 2E remaster, new Alien #RPG expansion, Green Ronin to publish Into the Motherlands and announces #MutantsAndMasterminds powered #ValiantComics #TTRPG, and more! #DnD #DnD5e https://www.enworld.org/threads/news-digest-for-april-28-2023.697429/
#dnd5e #DnD #ttrpg #valiantcomics #mutantsandmasterminds #rpg #pathfinder #OneDND
I’m with you. Regarding #OneDND, I can’t help but think that the entire “it’s not 6e” stance is based on that a large part of the community are saying we’re not moving on to 6e and staying with 5e. #WotC is moving ahead with their plan and largely using semantics to keep people on board, making it possible but uncomfortable not to go with the upgrade. All of these meetings are them gauging how far they can go, slowly heating the water, to use the frog analogy again.
So, im not following this too closely, as I’m moving away from #dnd, but from what I gather from my timeline, it appears that #OneDND is basically just a bunch of rearranging and no actually improvements. There’s no upside in going along with it, aside from avoiding the risk that WotC is going to discontinue legacy support on #DnDBeyond, correct?
What this boils down to is a scenario where the community is forced to shell out tons of money to get new versions of books we already own.
"The first Dungeons and Dragons Creator Summit was messy, but not unproductive."
Dungeons and Dragons Creator Summit Turned Into a Roast of Wizards of the Coast
#dnd #OneDND #Hasbro #wotc #vtt #CreatorSummit #dnd5e
Incidentally, after this #OGL business, I’ve noticed that I can’t seem to make myself care about #OneDnD at all anymore.
I find that I’m pretty well set on the notion of sticking with what I’ve got for 5e and just playing that, and shifting my focus to other games.
I play the game as a hobby. I spent 20+ years home brewing. I couldn’t care less about D&D the Business, or these corporations. I have zero stakes and interest in what happens next.
Weird feeling. Like being back in the 90s.
RT @DNDElise
#DnDBegone #StopTheSub #OpenDND #OneDND #DND #DND5 #TTRPG
#dndbegone #stopthesub #opendnd #OneDND #dnd #dnd5 #ttrpg
Just move on, how about thinking about who you give your money to and what games you play beforehand. It's never been a big secret that the #bigplayers like #GamesWorkshop or #TSR/#Hasbro/#WOTC aren't exactly among the good guys. It also raises the question of who benefits more from this #OGL #ORC clusterfuck? The licenses aren't even out yet, loyalty oaths are already being sworn publicly. What a Punch and Judy show.
#bigplayers #gamesworkshop #tsr #ogl #orc #dnd #osr #OneDND #opendnd #ttrpg
@neverless I hope this helps: https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document
It actually really ridicules me the WOTC line about wizards being undermonetized.
Like wizards sells books, toys, miniatures, surprise boxes with miniatures inside, tie in starter sets, dnd beyond subscriptions, card decks, a fucking cookbook and I'm sure so much more.
Hasbro has a virtual monopoly on the tabletop space through owning dnd and yet they want more.
#ttrpg #opendnd #dnd #OneDND
Probably one of the most well-founded discussions about the #OGL of #WOTC so far.
In my opinion, a brief look at the dispute between #TSR and #Mayfair regarding 3rd party #DnD stuff would have been a helpful idea to better understand the history.
History of the #OpenGamingLicense
#OSR #OneDnD #ORC #dnd5e #Paizo #Pathfimder #Recommended #d20 #Alexandrian
#ogl #wotc #tsr #mayfair #dnd #opengaminglicense #osr #OneDND #orc #dnd5e #Paizo #pathfimder #recommended #d20 #alexandrian
Bin grade über nen Gedanken von @WizardsRespite zum richtig miesen Timing des #WotC-Debakel vor dem Hintergrund des heftig propagierten #OneDnD gestolpert:
"DnD enthusiasts are ready to take the plunge into a new system, purchase new books, and invest considerable time into learning new rules. However, they now find themselves disgusted with the company (...). Since they already felt ready to make a change, they now look to other ttrpgs for alternatives."
#pnpde #dnd #ogl
#wotc #OneDND #pnpde #dnd #ogl