I look forward to joining the Final Meeting of the One Health European Joint Programme later today, as the @euenvironment representative in its Stakeholder Committee.
Together with colleagues from @EFSA and @ECDC_EU, I will discuss the relevance of the project's outcomes for EU agencies 🇪🇺 and the importance of environmental aspects for future #OneHealth research & policy ▶️ https://onehealthejp.eu/ohejp-final-meeting-2023
1/ 📄Preprint news!📄
"The impact of climate change and natural climate variability on the global distribution of Aedes aegypti"
▶️ Authors: Alex Kaye, Uri Obolski, Lantao Sun, James Hurrell, Mike Tildesley, RobinThompson.
🔗: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.08.31.23294902
#InfectiousDisease #EpiVerse #OneHealth #epidemiology #research #academia #science
#science #academia #research #epidemiology #OneHealth #epiverse #infectiousdisease
Un bel ouvrage de synthèse en téléchargement gratuit :
"SANTE ET ENVIRONNEMENT, Vers une nouvelle approche globale" (73 contributeurs)
#sante #environnement #santeenvi #OneHealth #uneseulesante
An interesting observation from @mathew1927 is that white-tailed deer do not spread the virus due to indoor gatherings. Since it lives in the wild. I.e. there is transmission of the virus outside.
About the (accelerated) evolution of #sarscov2 in this animal, I also suggest that the "immunocompromised" argument to explain the evolution of the #virus is unlikely to occur in the wild. There are probably very few immunocompromised animals since they don`t have access to medical and non medical measures.
Se fosse apenas uma variante na corrida (spoiler: não é):
Brasil tem alta da Covid em onda que deve durar até 6 semanas; veja risco de nova variante e como se proteger
#COVID19 #brasil #publichealth #OneHealth
1/ “FAO Animal Production & Health / Report 20: Global consultation on highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)”
▶️ FAO & Network of Expertise on Animal Influenza (OFFLU) brought together scientific community to review latest scientific evidence
▶️ Meeting held 02-04 May 2023, attended by over 200 participants in-person & online
▶️ Report summarises meeting discussions & key recommendations
Report 🔗: https://www.fao.org/3/cc7302en/cc7302en.pdf
#HPAI #H5N1 #influenza #epidemiology #EpiVerse #OneHealth #zoonotic
#zoonotic #OneHealth #epiverse #epidemiology #influenza #H5N1 #hpai
September 2023
Historical Review
Improvements and Persisting Challenges in COVID-19 Response Compared with 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic Response, New Zealand (Aotearoa)
#pandemics #IDMastodon #OneHealth
Volume 29, Number 9—September 2023
Global Estimate of Human Brucellosis Incidence
September 2023
Human Neural Larva Migrans Caused by Ophidascaris robertsi Ascarid
#parasites #IDMastodon #OneHealth
1/ Summary of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in the UK & Europe
▶️ In last 4-6 weeks, cases of HPAI H5 in wild birds & confirmations in domestic poultry premises continue to be reported in Great Britain.
▶️ See thread for summary of HPAI in UK & Europe from Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs outbreak assessment for 18 August 2023 (report released 24 August 2023).
#AvianFlu #BirdFlu #influenza #H5N1 #OneHealth #science #epidemiology #EpiVerse
#epiverse #epidemiology #science #OneHealth #H5N1 #influenza #birdflu #avianflu
I realise that disengaging from the +2-3ºC target of the #IPCC also means that the population would be abruptly reduced. And few people have understood that.
#ClimateChange and its consequences #COVID #OneHealth #BiodiversityLoss
Thoughts based on a very interesting post among thousands of interesting posts by @breadandcircuses
#degrowth #ipcc #climatechange #covid #OneHealth #biodiversityloss
⚠️ Wichtig ist die präventive Aufklärung zur #Zeckenstich-Vermeidung und der schnellstmöglichen Zeckenentfernung.
Bei frühen Anzeichen einer Lyme #Borreliose wie z.B. #Erythema migrans bitte frühzeitig Ärztin/Arzt aufsuchen. #OneHealth
#zeckenstich #borreliose #erythema #OneHealth
Many long-covid symptoms linger even after two years, new study shows
August 21, 2023
21 August 2023
Postacute sequelae of COVID-19 at 2 years
#LongCovid #COVID19 #publichealth #OneHealth
Multi-country outbreak of mpox, External situation report#27 – 14 August 2023
Edition 27
14 August 2023
"Following publication of last Situation Report on 14 July 2023, up until 9 August 2023, WHO has received
reports of 1020 newly confirmed cases of mpox and three new deaths".
#IDMastodon #publichealth #OneHealth
@LThiry so ganz will ich in den Abgesang der KV Ärzteschaft nicht einstimmen - aber ja: wir brauchen mehr als eine Krankenhausreform!
Mit Fokus auf #PublicHealth, integrierte regionale #Gesundheitsversorgung, #HealthInAllPolicis und einem echten #OneHealth Ansatz und v.a. Politik und Verwaltung, die ihrer Verantwortung im Rahmen der Daseinsvorsorge gerecht werden!
#publichealth #gesundheitsversorgung #healthinallpolicis #OneHealth
Eris: Brasil identifica primeiro caso da variante em São Paulo
Caso ocorreu na capital em paciente sem histórico de viagem; outras infecções já eram conhecidas na América do Sul
Por Mariana Rosário — São Paulo
17/08/2023 20h43 Atualizado 17/08/2023
Out now: the Quadripartite (FAO, WHO, WOAH, UNEP) One Health Intelligence Scoping Study, a high-level review of One Health surveillance activities and data integration needs at national and international levels. https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cc4480en #EpiVerse #OneHealth
Ayer Manuel Sola en su podcast Rendimiento Evolutivo quiso tratar la complejidad de la problemática ambiental y me invitó a participar. Charlamos de porqué es necesaria la salud ambiental para la salud humana (#OneHealth), de biodiversidad, ecología y algunas cosas más 😁
Todos los temas se nos hicieron muy cortos y nos dejamos otros sin tratar, pero me resulto entretenidísimo poder comentar algunas cuestiones. ¡Espero aportaros algo!
Rest in Peace @VTrillet_Lenoir
Thank you for everything you have done for #OneHealth for all.
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Stéphane Séjourné: Je viens d’apprendre avec une infinie tristesse le décès de Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, députée européenne @Ensemble_UE qui siégeait avec @RenewEurope au Parlement européen.
Les mots sont aujourd'hui bien peu de choses pour dire notre émotion et notre peine.
Modèle d'intégrité,…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1689330998473785344
Em Língua Portuguesa:
Atualização Epidemiológica - Surtos de influenza aviária causados por influenza A(H5N1) na Região das Américas - Agosto 2023
In English:
Epidemiological Update - Outbreaks of avian influenza caused by influenza A(H5N1) in the Region of the Americas - August 2023
#OneHealth #IDMastodon #epidemiology #birdflu #h5n1