Just released my free submission for the #OnePage #RPG for the jam!
Give it play and let me know your thoughts: https://itch.io/jam/one-page-rpg-jam-2023/rate/2222252
Eleventh Beast is a solo monster hunting game set in 1746 London. Investigate rumors. Learn secrets. Hunt the beast.
Available now: https://beast.exeunt.press
#ttrpg #rpg #solorpg #journaling #sketching #drawing #monsterhunting #monsters #beast #london #onepage #1pagerpg #onepagerpg #onepagerpgjam #tabletop #printandplay
#ttrpg #rpg #soloRPG #journaling #sketching #drawing #monsterhunting #monsters #beast #london #OnePage #1pagerpg #OnePageRPG #onepagerpgjam #tabletop #printandplay
Play as ancient gods struggling to survive as the age of reason dawns ...
This month's free feature from Shadomain is the one page #ttrpg Magical Musical Mystery Mess! A new dice less game using only pen, paper and imagination! It's weird and funny, not a tricia game, but based on your own favorite music! Download it from our store: https://ko-fi.com/shadomain #free #download #onepage
#ttrpg #free #download #OnePage
Play as ancient gods struggling to survive as the age of reason dawns ...
Gather round with your fellow backstabbing 1920s spiritualists for a rousing game of Convincing Sir Arthur
#onepage #ttrpg
RT @PressRambling@twitter.com
Yokai Case Files #2
The next issue of the Yokai Case Files is here!
You can find it for free over at drivethru
Intended for use with Yokia Hunters Society by @chema@twitter.com but can be used with any RPG.
#ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #yokai #onepage
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PressRambling/status/1617468034599510016
#ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #yokai #OnePage
Ich habe ein befreundetes Pärchen durch ein bzw. in ein Kurzabenteuer geführt per Rollenspiel D&D. Dabei haben wir alle großen Spaß gehabt, gut gegessen und getrunken und es wurde gedichtet, gezeichnet und grauenhafte Orte erkundet und Monstren bekämpft. Das war enorm schön. <3 #dnd5 #onepage
Yokai Case File #1
Just released the first issue of the YCF for all you Yokai Hunters out there.
Found for free over at drivethru
To be used with Yokai Hunters Society by @punkpadour or any RPG.
#ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #yokai #OnePage
Back in 2008, Dave Bowman of "Sham's Grog & Blog", a D&D OSR blog, and I collaborated to create the One Page Dungeon Template. The rest was all of y'all coming up with some amazing content!
#throwbackthursday #osr #onepagedungeon #OnePage #DnD
Ich nehme an, hier gibt es nicht so viele #L5R / #L5RRPG Fans?
Zumindest das kostenlose Sieger #OnePage #Adventure „The Chain of Duty“ des #L5R #Gamejam2022 liest sich ziemlich finster und feist. Mit der richtigen Spielleitung vermutlich ein Fest! Vermutlich auch für andere Systeme leicht anpassbar…
#overcomingoffear #fantasy #ttrpg #horror #samurai #pnpde #rokugan #free #recommended #itchio #adventures #download #inspiration #horror
#l5r #L5RRPG #OnePage #adventure #Gamejam2022 #overcomingoffear #fantasy #ttrpg #horror #samurai #pnpde #rokugan #free #recommended #itchio #adventures #download #inspiration