One Tree Hill: Bethany Joy Lenz war 10 Jahre in einer Sekte #OneTreeHill #BethanyJoyLenz
Os U2 lançaram o single "One Tree Hill" há 35 anos, no dia 7 de Março de 1988.
#U2 #OneTreeHill
The #Australianbush!
No I don’t believe a fire has been through here. It’s how they are.
#urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #januaryjoy #gumtree #narrm #victoria #Australia #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
#australianbush #OneTreeHill #bendigo #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #januaryjoy #gumtree #narrm #victoria #australia #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
This is a #wattle of some sort (there are many, therefore I’m unable to place the precise species), found in #onetreehill #Bendigo #Australia.
These can grow up to 13.7m (45 feet) tall. It has a life span of anywhere around 10–50 years and whilst in bloom, it displays brilliant yellow buds that almost cover the entire foliage area.
In its present growth cycle, this one is displaying its seedpods which are full of black shiny seeds that drop after the pods dry and split open.
Isn’t nature just perfect?
#urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #narrm #victoria #Australia #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
#wattle #OneTreeHill #bendigo #australia #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #narrm #victoria #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
You’re looking at the #Australianbush from a 30 metre high viewing platform in #Bendigo #Australia - #OneTreeHill
For mine, the bush is somewhat of a paradox inasmuch, as whilst it appears harsh and dry, it also looks magnificently lush as well.
I feel this is my true home!
I love this setting… around 35°, so that’s around high 90s Fahrenheit.
This is untainted nature at its best.
#victoria #centralvic #Centralvictoria #Bendigo #rurallife #rural #farmlife #farm #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #victoria #Australia #naarm #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
#australianbush #bendigo #australia #OneTreeHill #victoria #centralvic #centralvictoria #rurallife #rural #farmlife #farm #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #naarm #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
Look at this gorgeous bush shrub… the #juniperwattle!
I checked my flora identification app, and it insisted that this beauty was a #prickly-leaved paperbark but I’m not so sure. If there are any wattle experts out there who can clarify, please feel free.
The bush was teeming with these in #Bendigo #Australia - #onetreehill to be precise.
Unknowingly, silly me was standing on a bull ants nest, and within seconds, I had a couple of dozen of the critters scurrying over my feet. I was wearing thongs. Flip-flops for non-Aussies 😜
And you can only but imagine my reaction. Anyways, it was well worth the couple of nips that I now wear with pride!! 🤣🤣🤣
The wattle fruit is magnificent and just goes to show dry, arid bush plants can shine just as magnificently as any urban flowering plant.
#victoria #centralvic #Centralvictoria #Bendigo #rurallife #rural #farmlife #farm #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #victoria #Australia #naarm #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
#juniperwattle #prickly #bendigo #australia #OneTreeHill #victoria #centralvic #centralvictoria #rurallife #rural #farmlife #farm #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #naarm #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
It’s amazing that #OneTreeHill still hits so hard 😂 I’m on season 3 crying at Nathan and Haley’s and Brooke and Lucas’ reunion.
Ich bin komplett in #OneTreeHill verschwunden und das tut einfach SO gut gerade.
Ich bin komplett in #OneTreeHill verschwunden und das tut einfach SO gut gerade.
Hehe. hat mich heute an die Existenz von #OneTreeHill erinnert und oh Gott, ich liebe es immer noch so sehr wie vor 12 Jahren. 🙄😍😍
Hehe. hat mich heute an die Existenz von #OneTreeHill erinnert und oh Gott, ich liebe es immer noch so sehr wie vor 12 Jahren. 🙄😍😍