This looks lovely. Reminds me a lot of Little Nightmares.
#Starfield release is in only 2-3 weeks. It's just logical they push it again on this occasion.
#gamescom #gamescom2023 #Onl #starfield
The GTA6 guy ... do you think this was staged?
Nobody wants GTA6 ๐
Especially not with a fanbase like that ๐
The live action trailer for Starfield was really nice. I'm eager to explore the game on release.
#Gamescom #GamesCom2023 #ONL Preshow
Ja, ich bin schon etwas auf Starfield gehyped. Gespielt wird es entweder รผber XBox Gamepass Cloud oder รผber Shadow PC ... muss ich gucken was besser lรคuft dann.
#Gamescom #GamesCom2023 #ONL Preshow
Ich schau dann um den Jahreswechsel mal nach einem neuen PC um das alles auch feini wieder bei mir spielen zu kรถnnen ๐๐ฅฐ
#Gamescom #GamesCom2023 #ONL Preshow
Homeworld 3 ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Preordered for months already and I just can't wait for the release in 2024.
I will play the old games definitely first (and soon!) (maybe on stream).
#Gamescom #GamesCom2023 #ONL Preshow
Oh another modern military shooter. But it's Delta Force this time.
I wonder if they ressurect Delta Forces big advantages (huuuuuge maps)
#Gamescom #GamesCom2023 #ONL Preshow
7th Guest VR?
7th Guest was one of my first Puzzle games. It's not a particularly good one, but with its FMV sequences mixed in 3d environments it was a (tedious) fun little title.
But please spare us the soup can puzzle this time.
#Gamescom #GamesCom2023 #ONL Preshow
Mhm Endzone 1 ist, genau wie Surviving the Aftermath, irgendwie komplett an mir vorbei gegangen. Dabei wรคre es eigentlich genau mein Genre.
Hat jemand von euch eines oder beide gespielt? Was ist besser? ๐
Met de nieuwe podcastserie 'De Groningen Tapes' die vanaf woensdag te beluisteren is trekt ONL samen met ondernemers uit het aardbevingsgebied in Groningen aan de bel. Lees meer โก๏ธ
#ONL #DeGroningenTapes #mkb #HansBiesheuvel #AardbevingenGroningen
#aardbevingengroningen #hansbiesheuvel #mkb #degroningentapes #Onl