Da ich eben mal wieder darüber gestolpert bin: Das Flipbook meines Comics „El Jugador“ ist immer noch online. Das Album wurde nur in einer kleinen Auflage gedruckt und ist längst vergriffen – wer mal reinlesen möchte: https://online.nextflipbook.com/dpxf/36mb/mobile.html
#comic #book #art #onlineReading
#OnlineReading #art #book #comic
After four months or so of daily use of a large-format (13.3") e-ink device, my view on PDFs has shifted strongly.
It's not that PDFs suck for online reading. They're actually often optimal.
It's that most online reading displays and mechanisms suck. Horizontal 4:3 or 16:9 glossy displays, or palm-sized devices, are awful.
A largish display (starting at about 6", though I'd suggest 8--10 and am really loving the 13.3" I've got), portrait mode, e-ink, B&W, and decent bookreader software are excellent.
#pdf #eink #bookReaders #OnlineReading #reading #documents #ItsJustMyOpinionManButTrustMeImRightAndYoureWrong
#pdf #eink #bookReaders #OnlineReading #reading #documents #ItsJustMyOpinionManButTrustMeImRightAndYoureWrong