#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding s3e1 (2023) - 10/10
✅ Very clever season opener that was funny and had tons of heart. #MerylStreep and #PaulRudd were hilarious. But the cleverness was off the chart. The script had multiple twists and really played around with audience expectations. Magnificent!
#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #merylstreep #paulrudd
Die 3. Staffel von "Only murders in the building" ist wieder sehr unterhaltsam.
#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #DisneyPlus #Streaming #LieblingsSerien
#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #disneyplus #streaming #Lieblingsserien
Non sono un gran spettatore di serie tv, ma #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding mi sta piacendo davvero parecchio!
E poi va beh #Ahsoka ma lì entra in campo la mia passione per Star Wars 🤩
#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #ahsoka
JW 'Only Murders In The Building' S3 E6 "Ghost Light" (Doctor Who fans just raised their heads, like hounds alerted to a scent) and it's a belter. Sharp/funny dialogue, inventive visual flourishes, pitch perfect balance between poignant drama, mystery thriller, and situation comedy, and great performances. This wonderfully unlikely, oddball, show continues to delight.
y me he preguntado 2 cosas:
- Qué significa “tragedeigh”? El propio reddit te lo explica: a given name that has been deliberately misspelled or made up for the sake of appearing unique. Tobert is a tragedeigh!!! #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding
- Cómo se pronuncia “tragedeigh”? Reddit también tiene respuesta a esto, y ofcors, es súper meta: “tragedy” 🫠 https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/14zti2a/comment/jrzqu5r/
Mencanta 🤗 #NailedIt #TheGrearNailedItBakeOff
#thegrearnaileditbakeoff #nailedit #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding
REVIEW: Hulu's "Only Murders in the Building" - Episode 3.06 "Ghost Light"
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/09/only-murders-in-the-building-306-review.html #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #OMITB #OnlyMurders #OnlyMurdersOnHulu #Hulu
#hulu #OnlyMurdersOnHulu #onlyMurders #OMITB #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding
Steve Martin is a comedy god. #Fact 😂 #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding
#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #fact
I'm watching Only Murders in the Building 3x06 "Ghost Light" https://trakt.tv/shows/only-murders-in-the-building/seasons/3/episodes/6 #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #trakt
#trakt #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding
I want Meryl’s bucket hat. It’s so adorable I can’t even.
#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #OMITB
📚 Watching Only Murders in the Building this weekend? Why we love true crime books - and recommended psychology reads
For those eager to delve deeper into the psychology behind our fascination with true crime and serial killers, a range of experts offer invaluable insights in their thought-provoking books.
#books #bookstodon #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #trueCrime #crime #psychology
#psychology #crime #truecrime #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #bookstodon #Books
Only Murders in the Building: Wer hat Ben Glenroy ermordet? #OnlyMurdersIntheBuilding #theorien #whodunnit #krimiserie #disney+
#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #theorien #whodunnit #krimiserie #disney
REVIEW: Hulu's "Only Murders in the Building" - Episode 3.05 "Ah, Love!"
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/08/only-murders-in-the-building-305-review.html #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #OMITB #OnlyMurders #OnlyMurdersOnHulu #Hulu
#hulu #OnlyMurdersOnHulu #onlyMurders #OMITB #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding
Pas ultra ouf le dernier #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding, mais là je ne vois que deux personnes possible:
Soit Topert qui force à fond sur Mabel, surement pour s’informer sur l’enquête.
Soit le frère de Ben, juste parce qu’on en entends plus du tout parler.
S3E4 "The White Room" of #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding on #Hulu has to be the funniest thing I have seen in some time. I haven't had that many belly laughs since I saw the latest Flash movie.
#OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #hulu
Jetzt endlich #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding Staffel 3 + 🍈 schnabelieren... ähh... schnabbulieren
#jagoontour #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding
One of the many things I love about #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding is it reminds me of the smart/quirky mystery shows that bloomed on US TV in the 2000s (Nero Wolfe, Monk, Psych). Just a bit more eccentric than the norm. Not sure if they died out or if the style became part of mainstream detective shows, but it definitely feels like we haven't had a show this wonderfully oddball in a while.
Of course, there might have been loads recently and I just happened to miss them.
Laughed my ass off at The White Room episode of #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding
Had to go back and watch the first sequence a second time immediately. May watch it again because I was laughing too hard to catch what he's actually saying.
Definitely needed that laugh.
Comedy legends #SteveMartin and #MartinShort join Conan for the very funny podcast #ConanOBrienNeedsAFriend ❤️ So many laughs.
#comedy #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding
#stevemartin #martinshort #conanobrienneedsafriend #comedy #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding #onlyMurders