The #OopsAllAmnesiacs event I submitted was accepted! I'll be running it 3 times, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, late at night each time. It's a fun end-of-the-day script. 🙂
Since my usual weekly #BloodOnTheClocktower games are on Thursdays, and this week that's a holiday in the US, I won't get to play in person again until #PAXU next week. So, to scratch my BotC itch, let's come up with some fun #Amnesiac :amnesiac: abilities, or better yet, a themed set of them for another #OopsAllAmnesiacs game.
#bloodontheclocktower #PAXU #Amnesiac #OopsAllAmnesiacs
So, last week was #BGGcon, and a bunch of #BloodOnTheClocktower was played! I ended up storytelling a lot of games, but it was really fun and I was happy to do it.
Most of the games I ran were #BadMoonRising, but I did run a few games of #SectsAndViolets, an #OopsAllAmnesiacs set by a friend of mine, and one final #TroubleBrewing game to cap off the end of the con. And honestly, that final TB game was probably my favorite.
#bloodontheclocktower #BGGcon #BadMoonRising #SectsAndViolets #OopsAllAmnesiacs #TroubleBrewing