On 6 July, 🇮🇹RADM Giovanni M. Galoforo took over as Deputy Commander of 🇪🇺#OpAtalanta from 🇫🇷RADM Hilaire Ducellier, who held the command for the past six months. @OpComd_EUNAVFOR congratulated both, welcomed RADM Galoforo & warmly bid farewell to RADM Ducellier. BZ! @eu_eeas https://t.co/3HHbAUz3Wj
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1676931616432701440
欧州連合(#EU)海軍部隊アタランタ(@EUNAVFOR Atalanta)と日本のソマリア沖 ・アデン湾 派遣海賊対処行動水上部隊(DPSA)は15日、#海賊対処 の合同訓練における情報交換や連携のための新たな「行政取極」に署名。共同活動のさらなる円滑化を図る #OpAtalanta @JMSDF_PAO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinJapan/status/1635918550333366273
🇪🇺Together we go further #OperationAtalanta #morethanships #maritimesecurity provider
RT @EmbEspItalia: Cooperazione attiva nel Mediterraneo centrale tra la fregata @Armada_esp 🇪🇸 #ReinaSofia e il Pattugliatore d'Altura della @ItalianNavy 🇮🇹 #Vega durante il transito della nave spagnola verso l'area di operazioni della @EUNAVFOR #OpAtalanta 🇪🇺.
📸 @EMADmde
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1626124962015608834
#OperationAtalanta #morethanships #MaritimeSecurity #REINASOFIA #Vega #OpAtalanta
🇪🇺#OpAtalanta wishes all our 🇱🇹colleagues & friends, a happy #RestorationDay !
Nuoširdžiausi sveikinimai su Vasario 16-tąja - Lietuvos Valstybės atkūrimo diena! Sveikinu! #Vasario16 #vardantos @LTUArmedForces @Lithuanian_MoD @LithuaniaMFA @LithuaniaInEU @LithuanianGovt
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1626119237608648705
#OpAtalanta #RestorationDay #Vasario16 #vardantos
#OpAtalanta has warmly bidden #farewell👋to our colleagues from 🇪🇸. Congratulations to all of them!The 🇪🇺#EUNAVFOR team sincerely appreciates your job &commitment.We wish you all the best.Bravo Zulu! #meetourteam @Armada_esp @EjercitoAire @EjercitoTierra @FORE_CIOR_ES @aresresvol
#OpAtalanta #farewell #Eunavfor #meetourteam
RT @FLOANVirtual: #OpAtalanta 🇪🇺 Vuelo de un 🚁#AB212 de la #TerceraEscuadrilla de nuestra @FLOANVirtual✈️🚁⚓🇪🇸 embarcado en la fragata #F83Numancia de @Armada_esp⚓🇪🇸 en la zona de operaciones @EUNAVFOR @EUSec_Defence @EMASOH_AGENOR @CMF_Bahrain @EMADmde 🇪🇺 en #HormuzStrait #AdenGulf #ArabianSea
#OpAtalanta #AB212 #TerceraEscuadrilla #F83Numancia #HormuzStrait #AdenGulf #ArabianSea
#OpAtalanta pays tribute to one of the founders of the OHQ in Rota, Lieutenant Commander Diego Canovas, who forged the level of permanent self-demand that all members of the operation impose on themselves #EUNAVFOR 🇪🇺BRAVO ZULU @EUSec_Defence @EU_shipping @shippingics
If these are not the most beautiful office views, they're close enough! #Oriondetachment 85th rotation is already✈️over the Western #IndianOcean, ensuring #maritimesecurity in #OpAtalanta ´s area 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #morethanships #gofurthertogether @EjercitoAire @Defensagob @Web_AME
#OrionDetachment #IndianOcean #MaritimeSecurity #OpAtalanta #Eunavfor #morethanships #GoFurtherTogether
Operation ATALANTA - Twenty views over one sea XVIII: #Belgium 🇧🇪
🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #OpAtalanta #gofurthertogether #morethanships #meetourteam @BelgiumDefence @TheBelgianNavy @BelgiumEU @BelgiumMFA @BelgaNewsAgency
👉 https://youtu.be/sz_NNts9Gzs
#Belgium #Eunavfor #OpAtalanta #GoFurtherTogether #morethanships #meetourteam
#OpAtalanta participates as a Coordinated Force in the @CMF_Bahrain TF151-Focused Operation #MARELIBERUM 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR Flagship🇪🇸 #NUMANCIA conducts joint sea activities with 🇯🇵 #HARUSAME @Armada_esp @EUSec_Defence @marmilbr @jmsdf_pao_eng @EUinJapan @ModJapan_en
#OpAtalanta #MARELIBERUM #Eunavfor #Numancia #HARUSAME
RT @EUNAVFOR: 23-29 October, #OpAtalanta takes part in the @CMF_Bahrain TF 151-Focused Operation MARE LIBERUM, dedicated to counter-piracy in #GulfofAden & #HornofAfrica. 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #gofurthertogether #morethanships @Armada_esp @EUSec_Defence @marmilbr @ROK_MND @ROK_Navy #BrazilianNavy
#OpAtalanta #GulfofAden #HornOfAfrica #Eunavfor #GoFurtherTogether #morethanships #BrazilianNavy
23-29 October, #OpAtalanta takes part in the @CMF_Bahrain TF 151-Focused Operation MARE LIBERUM, dedicated to counter-piracy in #GulfofAden & #HornofAfrica. 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #gofurthertogether #morethanships @Armada_esp @EUSec_Defence @marmilbr @ROK_MND @ROK_Navy #BrazilianNavy
#OpAtalanta #GulfofAden #HornOfAfrica #Eunavfor #GoFurtherTogether #morethanships #BrazilianNavy
84th crew of the 🇪🇸#P3 of @EjercitoAire flies their last mission in the 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #OpAtalanta. The rest of #Oriondetachment &the firefighters of the 🇫🇷BA 188 @Armee_de_lair thank them by refreshing them from the heat of 🇩🇯. 85th crew, get ready!
@EMADmde @FadDjibouti @Web_AME
#P3 #Eunavfor #OpAtalanta #OrionDetachment
#Savethedate 👉Next 16 &17 November, #worldwide SHADE forum in Manama, 🇧🇭 joined by #OpAtalanta and @CMF_Bahrain to celebrate the 5️⃣0️⃣SHADE edition. Be a part of it by joining the conference. Contact cj3webadministrator@mschoa.org 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #gofurthertogether #morethanships
#savethedate #worldwide #OpAtalanta #Eunavfor #GoFurtherTogether #morethanships
#OpAtalanta 🇪🇸#Oriondetachment personnel continue their collaborative activities with the 🇩🇯 associations. The smiles of the neediest are the best reward🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #morethanships #gofurthertogether @iamCARITAS @fvaloresfutbol @EjercitoAire @UNDjibouti @WFP @Refugees
#OpAtalanta #OrionDetachment #Eunavfor #morethanships #GoFurtherTogether
RT @EMADmde: La 84º tripulación👨✈️ del ✈️P3 Orion vuela su última misión en la #OpAtalanta de @EUNAVFOR 🇪🇺. El resto del personal 🇪🇸 del #DestacamentoOrión y los bomberos👨🚒 de la BA 188 de @Armee_de_lair 🇫🇷 se lo agradecen refrescándoles del calor de Yibuti🇩🇯. @EjercitoAire #MOPS
#OpAtalanta #DestacamentoOrión #MOPS
#OpAtalanta "Visit and Registration" Team keeps on duty in the Western #Indianocean. The Team conducted several friendly approaches to the DHOWs sailing in the region during the past week. 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #gofurthertogether @Armada_esp @Defensagob @EMADmde @CIMSEC @eu_eeas @EMSA_EU
#OpAtalanta #IndianOcean #Eunavfor #GoFurtherTogether
Operation ATALANTA - Twenty views over one sea XVII: Montenegro 🇲🇪
🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #OpAtalanta #gofurthertogether #morethanships #meetourteam @MeGovernment @MONTENEGROtoEU @UN_Montenegro @TotalMontenegro @AlEmbassyMNE
👉 https://youtu.be/Amr2sW2Y5zw
#Eunavfor #OpAtalanta #GoFurtherTogether #morethanships #meetourteam
#OpAtalanta Flagship 🇪🇸 ESPS #NUMANCIA monitors every activity at sea and provides maritime security in the waters of the #HornofAfrica and the Western #IndianOcean. 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #morethanships #gofurthertogether @Armada_esp @Defensagob @EMADmde @CIMSEC @eu_eeas @UNODC @EMSA_EU
#OpAtalanta #Numancia #HornOfAfrica #IndianOcean #Eunavfor #morethanships #GoFurtherTogether
#OpAtalanta #Oriondetachment has delivered to @iamCARITAS 🇩🇯 several materials donated by some 🇪🇸 associations, such as "Estela del Ayo," "Damas de Loreto del JMOVA" - Morón Air Base and @fvaloresfutbol. Small acts for big smiles @EjercitoAire @UNDjibouti @WFP @Refugees