Pacific island nations are urging to delay the release of water from the destroyed nuclear power plant over fears fisheries will be contaminated. ☒️

#OpGreenRights #Anonymous #FukushimaWater #OpFukushima #StopTEPCO #Fukushima #radioactive #Japan

Last updated 2 years ago

Public anger is growing in Japan after a Tokyo court ruled that despite seismologists' warnings, TEPCO officials could not have anticipated the powerful earthquake and tsunami of March 2011.


#OpGreenRights #Anonymous #climatestrike #FukushimaWater #OpFukushima #StopTEPCO

Last updated 2 years ago

Pacific islands urge Japan to delay release of Fukushima waste over contamination fears

#OpGreenRights #Anonymous #climatestrike #FukushimaWater #OpFukushima #StopTEPCO

Last updated 2 years ago

Pacific island nations are urging Japan to delay the release of radioactive water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant over fears fisheries will be contaminated. ☒️

#OpGreenRights #Anonymous #climatestrike #FukushimaWater #OpFukushima #StopTEPCO

Last updated 2 years ago

The Tokyo High Court on Wednesday upheld a not guilty criminal verdict by a lower court that cleared former Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) executives of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power station disaster.

#OpGreenRights #Anonymous #climatestrike #FukushimaWater #OpFukushima #StopTEPCO

Last updated 2 years ago

water to be released into ocean in next few months, says Japan🎌

Henry Puna of PIF said Japan β€œshould hold off on any such release until we are certain about the implications of this proposal on the environment and on human health" ☒️

#OpGreenRights #Anonymous #climatestrike #FukushimaWater #OpFukushima #StopTEPCO #Fukushima

Last updated 2 years ago

The decision to release the ☒️ water should be indefinitely postponed & other options for the tank water revisited until we have more complete data to evaluate the economic, environmental & human health costs of ocean release.

radioactive tritium contaminated water

#FukushimaDaiIchi #nonukes #OpGreenRights

Last updated 2 years ago

The Japanese government and the on Monday met to discuss Japan's controversial plans to release radioactive water from the crippled Daiichi nuclear plant into the , despite a host of local and international opposition.

#OpGreenRights #FukushimaWater #FukushimaDisaster #OpFukushima #Anonymous #pacificocean #Fukushima #iaea

Last updated 3 years ago

The government of Japan and TEPCO will dump radioactive tritium - contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean.

#OpGreenRights #FridaysForFuture #climatestrike #ClimateAction #Tritium #Japan #TEPCO #Fukushima

Last updated 3 years ago

Ci rivolgiamo alla @ProvinciaTrento, perchΓ© possa intercedere nel fermare questo crimine contro il mondo animale!

#LulzSec_ITA #Anonymous_ITA #OpWinnieThePooh #SaveJJ4 #Anonymous #OpGreenRights

Last updated 4 years ago