We have kicked-off the Tiling Interfaces Code Sprint this morning! #OGCAPI #CODESPRINT21 #standards #maps #openapi
#OpenAPI #maps #standards #codesprint21 #OGCAPI
Trivial Pursuit – API MarkDown (2)
Fasst drei Jahre nach dem ersten Beitrag zum eigenen API MarktDown ergibt sich ein zweiter Beitrag zum Thema. Bei der Durchsicht der eigenen Projekte fiel auf, dass in dem Projekt rest-markdown-plugin noch immer FreeMarker als Template-Engine verwendet
#Bibliotheken #Java #AsciiDoc #Asciidoctor #CongoCC #FreeMarker #FreshMarker #Java #JavaCC21 #MarkDown #OpenApi #Template #TemplateEngine
#Bibliotheken #java #asciidoc #asciidoctor #congocc #FreeMarker #Freshmarker #javacc21 #markdown #OpenAPI #template #TemplateEngine
Registrations are open for the Tiling Interfaces Code Sprint - featuring not only APIs, but the vector tiling extension to #Geopackage 🚀 . It's important to note that in-person registrations will close on the 10th of May! https://developer.ogc.org/sprints/21/ #tiles #API #Openapi #REST #geospatial #OGC #WMTS #DGIWG
#dgiwg #wmts #OGC #geospatial #rest #OpenAPI #api #tiles #geopackage
Registrations are open for the Tiling Interfaces Code Sprint - featuring not only APIs, but the vector tiling extension to #Geopackage 🚀 . It's important to note that in-person registrations will close on the 10th of May! #tiles #API #Openapi #REST #geospatial #OGC #WMTS #DGIWG
#dgiwg #wmts #OGC #geospatial #rest #OpenAPI #api #tiles #geopackage
Amélioration du temps de chargement de la documentation #OpenAPI des services web de #TDM de l'Inist:
⚡️Automatically validate #API requests, responses and securities with #openapi and #expressjs 🎉🚀 Try it out!👇
Standup on the last day of the #OGCAPI #CODESPRINT19 , already showing some promising demos. Looking forward to watching the demo session, later on today! 😀 #standards #REST #openapi #webdev
#webdev #OpenAPI #rest #standards #codesprint19 #OGCAPI
Schul API Server
Bevor das hier noch schlechter wird, solltet ihr lieber Vorschläge machen.
#Schule #OpenAPI #opensource #linux
Wir suchen einen guten Namen für unser Projekt:
Open Api Server für Schulen
Unser erster Vorschlag:
OpaServS. 😃
Für eure Vorschläge sind wir offen (Vor allem auch witzige!)
This fella's work makes so much of what I do possible; truly a hero of the open source community.
Grab your spot at the Web Mapping 🌐 - hybrid - Code Sprint! November, 29 - December, 1st #DevCommunity https://dev.to/listings/events/grab-your-spot-at-the-web-mapping-hybrid-code-sprint-november-29-december-1st-32fc #rest #openapi #maps #hackathon #json #geoJSON #webdev #standards #geospatial
#devcommunity #rest #OpenAPI #maps #hackathon #json #GeoJSON #webdev #standards #geospatial