Well this could have been awesomely useful for when we were mapping townlands in #OpenStreetMap
RT @aboutgeo@twitter.com
More experiments with #OpenCV.js smart segmentation: extra polyline simplification produces cleaner shapes. Tracing map features with #Annotorious will never be the same 🚀
#OpenStreetMap #OpenCV #Annotorious
Interesting Citizen Science initiative, powered by Free Software and producing Open Data. #Telraam allows citizens to count traffic passing by their house with an #IoT device powered by #RaspberryPi and #OpenCV for image analysis: telraam.net/en/what-is-telraam. Data is contributed to a platform where statistics can be consulted as #OpenData and presented on a map powered by #OpenStreetMap. The device can be ordered as a kit to assemble or pre-assembled, or you can do it yourself. #DIY
#Telraam #iot #raspberrypi #OpenCV #opendata #OpenStreetMap #diy