Agenda - #OAweek #OpenForClimateJustice Open Access Week 2022
Reflecting on a Week of Conversation and Action at the Intersection of Open Knowledge and Climate Justice
#oaweek #OpenForClimateJustice
Agenda - #OAweek #OpenForClimateJustice Open Access Week 2022
Reflecting on a Week of Conversation and Action at the Intersection of Open Knowledge and Climate Justice
#oaweek #OpenForClimateJustice
RT: Wikidata is a magic database! says @SiobhanLeachman It's structured and linked & you can query it to answer questions almost impossible to answer any other way eg for species named after people from a location or of a place…
#OAWeek #OpenForClimateJustice
#oaweek #OpenForClimateJustice
Estamos en las universidades celebrando la Semana Internacional del #AccesoAbierto, y me parece que hay algo de hipócrita en ello. No olvidemos que los que han luchado en primera línea por el acceso libre al conocimiento han sido perseguidos: Aaron Swartz y Alexandra Elbakyan, los verdaderos héroes.
#OAWeek22, #OAWeek2022 #OpenForClimateJustice #OpenScience #OpenAccess
#accesoabierto #OAWeek22 #OAWeek2022 #OpenForClimateJustice #openscience #openaccess
“Open for Climate Justice” is the theme for this year’s Open Access Week.
This year’s focus on Climate Justice seeks to encourage connection and collaboration among the climate movement and the international open community. #OAWeek #OpenForClimateJustice
#oaweek #OpenForClimateJustice