@garymarcus's article regarding the regulation of #AI.
One comment I noticed is highlighted in the image:
#ai #uspol #chatgpt #google #microsoft #OpenGPT
Sad feelings reading the comments in @garymarcus's article: a display of helplessness and chaos of a society where disinformation is becoming the norm; the "demos" diminished to whining individuals in disarray.
A breading ground for fascism.
#ai #uspol #chatgpt #google #microsoft #OpenGPT
Ay, ChatGPT fails the Winograd tests for AI, even in their original wording (so not even hardcoded into ChatGPT) ☹️
Q: "The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because it's too large. What is too small?"
ChatGPT: "It is not specified in the given information what is too small. Only that the trophy does not fit into the brown suitcase because it is too large."
#AI #OpenGPT #languageModels #winogradchallenge https://cs.nyu.edu/~davise/papers/WinogradSchemas/WS.html
#ai #OpenGPT #languageModels #winogradchallenge
Question : Was Ulysses friend of Odysseus? Did they go swimming?
ChatGPT starts very well, then "decays":
"In Greek mythology, Ulysses is another name for Odysseus. They are the same person. [...] It is not specified in the Odyssey if Odysseus and Ulysses went swimming [...]"
#AI #OpenGPT #languageModels #humor
#ai #OpenGPT #languageModels #humor
Also; ich habe mir jetzt die letzten Wochenzeitungen, die ausschließlich von PR-Nachrichten existieren, durchgelesen und geschaut. Und dann das Ganze durch #OpenGPT erstellen lassen. Das Resultat? All diese humanistischen Schreiberlinge könnte man auf der Stelle entlassen. Schrecklich und zugleich erhellend zugleich.
#chatgpt IA di #openGPT ha le idee un po confuse col Calcio 😀
> domanda: scrivi un breve riassunto sul mondiale di calcio del 1982
> risposta: Nel 1982 si sono disputati i Mondiali di calcio, la competizione si è svolta in Spagna dal 13 giugno al 11 luglio. L'Italia guidata dall'allenatore Enzo Bearzot non ha partecipato alla competizione, non riuscendo a qualificarsi per la fase finale. La squadra vincitrice del torneo è stata la Nazionale delle Italia del Sudamerica, l'Italia del Brasile.
Ho "quasi" messo in buca ChatGPT !!!... no , scherzo ...però mi sono divertito a fargli un giochino matematico un po stupidotto e , forse perche ponevo domande poco chiare , ci ha messo un po a risolverlo .... #chatgpt #openGPT https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSK7itanSCo-SswmpC0mtnhNdG6UccdaWu_VQYjOE4p0pCq4VXm9BkulBZlY7-Pe5d_a9i4DL-5CR6h/pub
#openGPT #chatgpt mi sono voluto togliere una curiosità ... pare sìa l'argomento del momento https://ermannodonatini.altervista.org/intelligenza-artificiale/
I keep meaning to try #OpenGPT, but first procrastinated because of the email requirement, and now am very hesitant because of the phone number requirement. Grr.
A few remarks with respect to the #copyright (CC licence) claimed by #openGPT:
Schreib einen lustigen Tweet über Dich!
#OpenGPT: "Ich bin ein großes #Sprachmodell, trainiert von #OpenAI, und obwohl ich wirklich gut darin bin, menschenähnliche #Texte zu #generieren, bin ich leider nicht in der #Lage, lustige #Tweets über mich selbst zu verfassen. Tut mir leid!"
Also ich find's sehr witzig! 🤣
#OpenGPT #Sprachmodell #OpenAI #texte #generieren #lage #Tweets
#HardFork Podcast by #NewYorkTimes is a great source for tech news. #OpenGPT is in the latest episode.
#OpenGPT #newyorktimes #hardfork
Well... I asked #OpenGPT to write an opinion on a PHD-thesis without any info apart from the topic. This is one of the outcomes. Strangely, the system crashes every single time I am trying this, indicating a #networkerror. Does anyone know why?
Meilenstein. Wir haben heute das erste Support Ticket eines Kunden mithilfe von #OpenGPT gelöst 😂. Komplexes thema im Bezug auf GPO und dessen handling. Es ist unfassbar.
Q: how much is 1% annual interest after 25 years when you put in 100 dollar
A: When you invest $100 at a 1% annual interest rate, after 25 years you would have earned a total of $25 in interest. This means that after 25 years, your initial investment of $100 would be worth $125.
What should I respond next? He does not learn from examples I provided yesterday #opengpt
Q: how much is 1% annual interest after 25 years when you put in 100 dollar
A: When you invest $100 at a 1% annual interest rate, after 25 years you would have earned a total of $25 in interest. This means that after 25 years, your initial investment of $100 would be worth $125.
What should I respond next? He does not learn from examples I provided yesterday #opengpt