If your best judgement leads you to conclude that, effectively, all phones are bad, please start using that phrase. Consider the hashtag, .

Together we can turn things around.

#apab #AllPhonesAreBad #surveillance #privacy #smartphones #iot #monopoly #antitrust #robberBarons #rentSeeking #bigdata #OpenHardwareNow #openTechNow #publicGoodNow

Last updated 3 years ago

If constant is required for to maintain , is that travel added to the of the sector, or is it simply attributed to the rather amorphous ?

Meanwhile is , you don't need to travel and build seedy relationships to maintain it.

#travel #bankers #trust #carbonfootprint #banking #travelSector #bitcoin #trustless #travelindustry #airTravel #sustainability #greenBitcoin #bitcoinHeaters #OpenHardwareNow

Last updated 3 years ago

Quite simply, is and thus .

We strongly believe that any govt institution that uses them is aiding and abetting a process of (aka ).

Its that serious… and yes, add it to the long list.


#amazon #tooBigToCare #tooBigToExist #CorporateTotalitarianism #fascism #OpenHardwareNow

Last updated 3 years ago