🟩ScienceOpen's Open Peer Review Competition!✔📃
We invite you to a month-long celebration of #openpeerreview!
🟩Register for free on ScienceOpen.
🟩Submit your open peer review by September 29th.
🟩Get a chance to win a year’s subscription to scite.ai.
Read more about our competition and peer review guidelines below.
🏆Open Peer Review Competition: https://blog.scienceopen.com/2023/08/up-for-a-challenge-join-scienceopens-open-peer-review-competition/
📝ScienceOpen's Peer Review Guidelines: https://about.scienceopen.com/peer-review-guidelines/
I missed this #Elsevier pilot project with #OpenPeerReview in 2019.
"Publishing [#PeerReview] reports did not significantly compromise referees’ willingness to review, recommendations, or turn-around times. Younger and non-academic scholars were more willing to…review & provided more positive & objective recommendations. Male referees tended to write more constructive reports…Only 8.1% of referees agreed to reveal their identity in the published report."
#PeerReview #OpenPeerReview #elsevier
My first first-author paper in a while, "THAPBI PICT—a fast, cautious, and accurate metabarcoding analysis pipeline" https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.15648 with @widdowquinn etc (rest not on Mastodon yet).
Initially up as a preprint on biorxiv, now accepted on #PeerJ with #OpenPeerReview (2 of 3 reviewers waived anonymity), #OpenSource on GitHub https://github.com/peterjc/thapbi-pict/tree/master
I know #ThapbiPict is bit verbose, but no search engine confusion to worry about as with all to many #bioinformatics tools!
#bioinformatics #thapbipict #opensource #OpenPeerReview #PeerJ
The call for submissions for the Open #Research #Award 2023 is open until 30 September.
@universityofgroningen staff and students can apply. Three winners will be randomly drawn to win 500 EUR each🏆.
Need inspiration for your submission? We compiled a couple of case studies examples:
#openresearch #openscience #openeducation #opendata #openaccess #FAIRdata #citizenscience #preregistration #openpeerreview #lottery
#research #award #openresearch #openscience #openeducation #opendata #openaccess #fairdata #citizenscience #PreRegistration #OpenPeerReview #lottery
In den #DigitalHumanities spielen #Methoden eine zentrale Rolle. Aber was ist eine Methode eigentlich? Ein Beitrag von @janhorstmann, Christian Lück und @immanuel aus unserem SCDH erscheint dazu in "Begriffe der DigitalHumanities. Ein diskursives Glossar" (Nutzt die Chance zur #OpenPeerReview bis zum 1.9.!): https://doi.org/10.17175/wp_2023_007
#DigitalHumanities #Methoden #OpenPeerReview
Ah yes, using Clarivate to manage your manuscripts and "make public" the reviews for #OpenPeerReview
A revised and expanded #OpenScience taxonomy proposed by Silveira et al. The final taxonomy has 10 main-level facets and a total of 96 labels. A useful concept map to navigate the labyrinthine avenues of #OpenResearch
Taxonomy of Open Science: revised and expanded https://doi.org/10.5007/1518-2924.2023.e91712 #OpenData #OpenScholarship #OpenData #OpenPeerReview #CitizenScience
#openscience #openresearch #opendata #openScholarship #OpenPeerReview #citizenscience
Update. "We argue that [the] collaborative knowledge practices of inclusive editorial governance, #OpenAccess, and #OpenPeerReview [of the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, #JITP] are fundamentally #feminist, as they diversify scholarly voices and increase access to the material channels in and through which knowledge circulates."
#feminist #jitp #OpenPeerReview #openaccess
This viewpoint in European Science Editing makes an argument for open review practices mediating the hotly debated question of whether editors-in-chief should publish in their own journals.
A potential solution to this age-old problem.
#EuropeanScienceEditing #PeerReview #PublicationEthics #ConflictsOfInterest #COI #OpenPeerReview
#europeanscienceediting #peerreview #PublicationEthics #conflictsofinterest #coi #OpenPeerReview
Update. I acknowledge that there's no bright line between using these tools to polish one's language and using them to shape one's judgments of quality. I also ack that these tools are steadily getting better at "knowing the field". That's why this is a hard problem.
One way to ensure that reviewers take #responsibility for their judgments is #attribution.
#OpenPeerReview #PeerReview #attribution #responsibility
BTW, it's not only that Kahneman fell into that trap, the biggest irony acknowledged in his post & the whole social priming chapter deal is that he =warned= the world against it in 1971 and still fell prey to it. 🤷
Solution to most you've talked about exists and is called Peer Community in Registered Reports, implementing #openscience, #openpeerreview & Registered Reports.
We've shifted to that 1.5 years ago:
One day, instead of responding to papers like this with,
"OMG! I can't believe they published this!"
the enlightened folk on social media will exclaim,
"OMG! Where are the open peer reviews on which they decided to publish this? What is the journal trying to hide?!?"
#OpenPeerReview #openscience #Sars #COVID19
Chris Brewin suggests that conventional peer review in #psychology journals doesn't catch enough errors and should be supplemented by "open postpublication critique".
#OpenPeerReview #PeerReview #psychology
Another role for #OpenPeerReview: Removing the taint from journal editors publishing in their own journals.
New #preprint: "Most of the existing #peerreview datasets don't provide data that cover the whole PR process... their data are not diversified enough as they are mainly collected from the field of computer #science...
In response to this problem, we construct MOPRD, a multidisciplinary #openpeerreview dataset. This dataset consists of paper #metadata multiple version manuscripts, review comments, meta-reviews, author's rebuttal letters, and editorial decisions".
#preprint #peerreview #Science #OpenPeerReview #metadata
I prepared a text for a wide range of readers about traditional and open peer review for the #AcademicIntegrity Newsletter (in Ukrainian):
Also, the preparation of this text allowed me to tell our scientists about the excellent initiative #PublishYourReviews by @ludowaltman @polka @ASAPbio
If you haven't supported this initiative yet, join now!
#academicintegrity #publishyourreviews #peerreview #OpenPeerReview #openscience #scicomm
Un artículo sencillo sobre la problemática actual y la propuesta de un sistema abierto, más orientado a versiones como se hace con el software.
Otros enlaces de interés:
🔳 Course Open peer review
🔳 OpenUP hub
🔳 Ideas y recursos
#OpenPeerReview #investigación #divulgación
Hello #ScienceMastodon! 👋
My #introduction! I’m a #librarian in Borys Grinchenko #Kyiv University #Ukraine 🇺🇦 . My research interests lie in the fields of #Bibliometrics, #Scientometrics, #ScholarlyCommunication, and #LibraryScience.
I'm also interested in #OpenScience, primarily #OpenAccess and #OpenPeerReview.
My most recent paper: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12109-022-09914-0
In my spare time, I like to run 🏃♂️ , play chess ♟️, and read non-fiction 📚 🤓 ... oh, and of course drink a lot of beer) 🍺
#sciencemastodon #introduction #librarian #kyiv #ukraine #bibliometrics #scientometrics #scholarlycommunication #LibraryScience #openscience #openaccess #OpenPeerReview
mit Hilfe des Internets einen einfacheren Zugang zu Literatur und Forschungsdaten zu schaffen und einzufordern; die Möglichkeiten der Vorabveröffentlichung und des #OpenPeerReview auszunutzen, die eigene Forschungsarbeit für die Gesellschaft transparenter zu gestalten. (20/26)