I enjoyed talking to Mother Jones about #RankedChoiceVoting, which, in this case, largely means #FinalFiveVoting #OpenPrimaries. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/12/ranked-choice-maga-voting-republicans/
#OpenPrimaries #FinalFiveVoting #RankedChoiceVoting
@Alaskanviking @thezerobit, But the local Alaskan elections were a much more interesting example. With a few notable exceptions, very conservative candidates got clobbered by moderate Republications, independents, & Democrats. This will likely yield bipartisan majority coalitions in both the House and Senate.
So RCV seems to working as intended by weighting the system away from extremes.
#OpenPrimaries #rankedchoice #alaska
RT @EINPresswirePR
Unite NY Calls for Open Primaries in New York State #UniteNY #NYPrimaries #RCV #OpenPrimaries @VoteUpstateJobs http://s.einnews.com/pAwkdhOg6-
#UniteNY #nyprimaries #rcv #OpenPrimaries