It's only been a week or so, and my #openSuSE install has probably been broken 3-4 times by updates. Can't log in anymore. One time, some xcb plug-in was missing, then the SuSE Breeze theme was missing for some reason (which breaks sddm), and now something else is broken again. So far, it's the worst distro I tried, which is a shame because there are some really nice ideas in there
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#FOSS #FLOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #DataAnalysis #DataViz #Statistics #Ubuntu #Fedora #OpenSUSE #Arch #Gentoo #Slackware #Debian #Flatpak #AppImage #Chocolatey #LabPlot #Windows #macOS #Linux #FreeBSD
#labplot #Windows #macOS #Linux #FreeBSD #FOSS #FLOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #dataanalysis #dataViz #statistics #Ubuntu #Fedora #OpenSUSE #Arch #gentoo #Slackware #Debian #Flatpak #appimage #chocolatey
#openSUSE Tumbleweed revisión de la semana 35 de 2023. Autor: Victorhck.
#openSUSE Tumbleweed revisión de la semana 34 de 2023. Autor: Victorhck.
Now that I’ve fully switched to #Linux on my main PC, I have secondary laptop that was lying around for a while, I’ve tried Linux on in the past but I planned this laptop to just be used for whenever #windows is needed, but that only lasted a month, I just sometimes get the itch to try something random on it, now it still has windows but I’ve also just put #OpenSUSE on it to try #Hyprland I can’t resist, windows it too boring, and there are so many exiting things to try on Linux
#Hyprland #OpenSUSE #Windows #Linux
#openSUSE Tumbleweed revisión de la semana 33 de 2023. Autor: Victorhck.
openSUSE #Tumbleweed snapshots this week rolled out quite a few security fixes. Check out what packages updated in #openSUSE's rolling release this week. #Opensource
#OpenSource #OpenSUSE #tumbleweed
Zypper Command Examples: A Beginner's Guide to the SUSE Linux Package Manager #Zypper #Linux #Packagemanager #SUSELinux #openSUSE #Packagemanagement #Linuxadministration #Linuxhowto #Linuxcmmands
#zypper #Linux #packagemanager #SuseLinux #OpenSUSE #packagemanagement #Linuxadministration #linuxhowto #linuxcmmands
#openSUSE Tumbleweed revisión de la semana 32 de 2023. Autor: Victorhck.
Participa en la encuesta sobre el futuro de #openSUSE Leap. Autor: Victorhck.
@NotMtth either vanilla #ArchLinux or #OpenSUSE #microos with Arch running in #distrobox. Not sure if that's helpful though
#distrobox #microos #OpenSUSE #ArchLinux
¿Usas GNU/Linux?
¿Cúal es tu distro favorita?
¿Otra que no esté en la lista?
#linux #debian #mint #ubuntu #manjaro #fedora #mxlinux #elementary #archlinux #endeavoursos #lite #popos #opensuse
#OpenSUSE #popos #lite #endeavoursos #ArchLinux #elementary #mxlinux #Fedora #manjaro #Ubuntu #mint #Debian #Linux
#openSUSE Tumbleweed revisión de la semana 29 de 2023. Autor: Victorhck.
#openSUSE Tumbleweed revisión de las semanas 27 y 28 de 2023. Autor: Victorhck.
#openSUSE #Tumbleweed is now powered by #Linux kernel 6.4 🥳
#OpenSUSE #Tumbleweed #Linux #OpenSource
Discover freedom with
! Whether you're a #developer, #sysadmin, or casual user, we has you covered. Enjoy a vast repository of software, easy package management & easy updates. Experience versatility & security with #openSUSE. Try it now!
#OpenSUSE #SysAdmin #Developer
#openSUSE Tumbleweed revisión de la semana 26 de 2023. Autor: Victorhck.