Opensciency - A core open science curriculum by and for the research community by: @ToOpenScience The content is @creativecommons licensed (CC BY) #OER #bettersharing #OpenScienceUN
#oer #BetterSharing #OpenScienceUN
Professor Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe @lisalibrarian represented IFLA at the 3rd @UN Open Science conference in NYC this week!
Listen to her inspiring speech about the value of open science and publishing for libraries worldwide here:
It was an honor to represent @creativecommons with my colleague, Monica at the UN #OpenScienceUN Conference this week.
Part of #OpenScienceUN day2 🧵 ...
I missed the keynote
and the panel on science publishing in the global South (AJOL, Camjol et al -, with welcome reminders on multilingualism.
#OpenScience's revolutionising the way research is conducted, shared & accessed.
Let's break down barriers & build a more inclusive, collaborative & impactful scientific community!
To better understand the importance of Open Science, visit #OpenScienceUN
RT @jessicapolka
1 in 4 people in the world don't have access to clear drinking water, but only 39% of scientific articles on water access are open access. Academic incentives desperately need to be realigned with the needs of society #OpenScienceUN
Dr. Aldo Stroebel, NRF South Africa: policymakers need to realise that the field of #OpenScience is not complete, they need to consider capabilities, readiness. There's a strong argument to start at the local level. Universities' voices are not strong enough in this context.
Also, an urgent call to move beyond top-up funding for commercial publishers to provide access to LMICs. #OpenScienceUN
Dr. S. N-B: #Librarians play an important role" [actually, many] including hosting Open journals to share knowledge, which UNESCO seeks to support #OpenScienceUN
Dr. Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences at UNESCO, speaking now on the work remaining to #OpenAccess e.g. only 39% articles on water are OA, but 60% in health #OpenScienceUN #SDGs.
Watch the event on UN WebTV:
#sdgs #OpenScienceUN #openaccess
« Registration is now open for the 3rd @UN Open Science Conference by the #UNLibrary, @UNDESA and @UNESCO.
For more information:
#OpenScienceUN »
— Retweet Scientists are practised at making comments look like questions. So as the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy was there I asked:
"Mr. Sheehan, is the White House #OSTP aware that the main Open Source Code repository #GitHub is forced by the US to block several countries, which makes it useless for scientific use?"
I am participating in the UN Open Science conference. #OpenScienceUN
Trump did great damage to the USA. The entire world is there with video calls, while the White House is now talking on the telephone. 🤡 At least it is land line quality.
Oggi all'#ONU si parla di #ScienzaAperta!
Get ready! On 19 November, representatives of open science initiatives, researchers, librarians and policymakers will come together for the #OpenScienceUN Conference organized by the #UNLibrary and @SPARC_NA. Follow the discussions on!
#onu #scienzaaperta #OpenScienceUN #UNLibrary