I'll be presenting a session on upgrading from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS at Twin Cities Drupal Camp on Friday at 11:00pm (Central). I look forward to seeing you there.
#Drupal #BackdropCMS #TCDC #TwinCities #Minnesota #OpenSourceCMS
#drupal #backdropcms #tcdc #twincities #minnesota #OpenSourceCMS
Just a reminder, Backdrop LIVE is an unconference that focuses on facilitated discussions rather than structured presentations (although we have a few of those too). Anyone can suggest a topic for the schedule. We welcome topics that are not Backdrop specific. We'd welcome discussions about things happening in the Drupal community.
Block D is available for folks in time zones very different from the USA.
#backdropcms #drupal #OpenSourceCMS #websitedevelopment
The next few weeks are pretty exciting and busy for me.
Sept 14-15th
Twin Cities Drupal Camp is back for the first time since 2019.
Sept 23-24
Backdrop LIVE has moved to a twice a year schedule (was 3/year). The reduced frequency means less volunteer burnout.
#TCDrupal #TwinCitiesDrupal #BackdropCMS #Drupal #OpenSourceCMS
#tcdrupal #twincitiesdrupal #backdropcms #drupal #OpenSourceCMS
Backdrop LIVE is Sept 22-23.
It's an online event for learning about #BackdropCMS and sharing information.
Everyone is welcome.
BackdropCMS has been described as a cross between Wordpress and Drupal. This is your chance to ask questions and talk to other people that use it.
#backdropcms #wordpress #drupal #OpenSourceCMS
Backdrop CMS user group is about to start. We're talking about Organic Groups module today.
Everyone is welcome.
#backdropcms #drupal #OpenSourceCMS
The next Backdrop CMS Virtual User Group meeting is tomorrow (August 17th).
Topic: Organic Groups module
A port of this Drupal 7 module was released back in April. Let's take a look at where it's at now and how to use it on your next Backdrop CMS project.
#drupal #backdropcms #OpenSourceCMS
Today, I booked my flight to #DrupalCon. If you are looking for a roommate, let me know.
Hoping to save as much money as possible for Drupal Camps later in the year.
#drupalcon #drupal #backdropcms #OpenSourceCMS
Here is a quick and dirty site I set up with Backdrop CMS.
Here is a much more complicated upgrade from Drupal 7 to BackdropCMS that my team worked on with advanced editor functionality behind the scenes.
It's time to Backdrop!
Backdrop CMS is a free and open source CMS that is quite powerful and flexible.
Our weekly office hours are starting right now. Anyone is welcome to drop in with questions or to request a guided tour of what Backdrop is and how to use it.
#backdropcms #drupal #wordpress #OpenSourceCMS
I opened a discussion in the Backdrop CMS forum about Configuration Recipes.
* Have you used them?
* Are they useful?
* How can we improve them?
* Do you have suggestions for new recipes?
#drupal #backdropcms #OpenSourceCMS #foss
A colleage of mine is leading a discussion about why #Wordpress is better than BackdropCMS.
His intent, I believe, is to look at the things that Wordpress does well and how we can learn from then in the BackdropCMS community.
I'm sure he would welcome participation of any #Wordpress experts that would care to join us.
We encourage discussion and interaction at Backdrop LIVE.
#wordpress #drupal #OpenSourceCMS
We'll be talking about the future of the paragraphs module for Backdrop CMS at Backdrop LIVE.
#drupal #backdropcms #foss #OpenSourceCMS
I would be willing to share my own experiences and lessons learned during such a discussion, if it happens at Backdrop LIVE.
I'm already facilitating several other discussions, so I've love to see someone else step up and facilitate this one.
#backdropcms #backdroplive #OpenSourceCMS
Has an announcement been made about whether Drupal 7 EOL is going to be extended again. By this time last year, an announcement had been made.
It's my understanding that extensions will be considered on a year by year basis.
Has the decision been made for this year yet?
I've added a topic to the schedule on Configuration Recipes for Backdrop CMS.
I've created 5-6 recipes for Backdrop CMS, but gotten very little feedback that they are useful and no one else has made any.
I'd like feedback on whether or not we should make more Configuration Recipes. Also willing to show folks how to make their own contrib Config Recipes.
#drupal #backdropcms #OpenSourceCMS
"Most of what I loved about Drupal the product can still be found in Backdrop and Backdrop keeps getting better with each release. I'm happy that Drupal 9 exists and I wish it a long and prosperous life, but my personal commitment is in meeting the needs of the small organizations and businesses that I believe Drupal 9 has left behind."
#backdropcms #drupal #OpenSourceCMS
Another #FLDC mini session on the APCA Contrast Calculator.
#fldc #OpenSourceCMS #backdropcms #drupal
Another cool mini-session on the #Drupal module for Bookable Calendar.
Providing ability to reserve rooms or make appointments.
#drupal #OpenSourceCMS #fldc #backdropcms
Still working on my Photo Blog site inspired by the photos I've been posting here.
Keeping this very simple.
The primary Ecommerce solution for #BackdropCMS is a port of the #Ubercart module from #Drupal 7.
Tomorrow, we will be talking about Ubercart in our community meeting. This meeting is open to anyone, please join us and bring your Ubercart / BackdropCMS questions.
#backdropcms #ubercart #drupal #foss #OpenSourceCMS