Look! Another #OpenStreetMap community in the Philippines is celebrating #OpenStreetMap18.
Later today [0], the #YouthMappers chapter from the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines in Cagayan de Oro in celebrating OSM cakeday with a #mapathon! 🍰 🥳
[0]: https://osm.org/wiki/OpenStreetMap_18th_Anniversary_Birthday_party#20_August
#OpenStreetMap #OpenStreetMap18 #youthmappers #mapathon
Earlier today, an #OpenStreetMap community in #Manila celebrated #OSM18 with a small get-together. Our first face-to-face cakeday event since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
Neither a flat, nor a little rain is going to stop us from having our cake! Thanks for the treat #UPRIYouthMappers 🎂, and cheers 🥳 to our special benefactor. 😉
Best wishes for all #OpenStreetMap folks were shared in this impromptu interview: https://youtu.be/-tO8Pu9sp1E
#OpenStreetMap #manila #OSM18 #UPRIYouthMappers #OpenStreetMap18 #philippines
More golden eggs, from the venerable @vespucci_editor
, the #OpenStreetMap editor for #Android
New features for v18 coincides with #OpenStreetMap18
RT https://en.osm.town/@vespucci_editor/108810577223789143
The release notes are here: http://vespucci.io/help/en/18.0.0%20Release%20notes/
#OpenStreetMap #android #OpenStreetMap18
Happy #cakeday #OpenStreetMap folks!
9th August is celebrated by awesome communities around the world as the official anniversary [0] of OSM, that being the date the domain name was registered.
We're now 18 years old! #OpenStreetMap18
Congratulations, and thank you to all the folks who map it forward, for OpenStreetMap, and Free geodata.
Photo of a cake from #OSMBD #Bangladesh, the first community to celebrate #cakeday last week.
#cakeday #OpenStreetMap #OpenStreetMap18 #OSMBD #bangladesh
#OpenStreetMap is turning 18!
RT @openstreetmap@twitter.com
We're celebrating OpenStreetMap's 18th Anniversary! #OpenStreetMap18
Cake by @osmbd@twitter.com :)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/openstreetmap/status/1556066282813931520
#OpenStreetMap #OpenStreetMap18
We're celebrating OpenStreetMap's 18th Anniversary! #OpenStreetMap18
Cake by @osmbd@twitter.com :)