Very interesting detail in this devtalk at 14:08 "use less detailed patches"
The term patch is used with Subdivision Surfaces, the default Mesh representation with #openUSD. Currently ARQL only supports polyMeshes, the other representation.
@harlan When are SubD's finally supported?
Shoutout to @dhruvgovil and @Drwave, as well as Jon and Alexander for all their work on #openUSD at Apple. Awaiting new documentations and schemes in the coming months.
I'm confused about Apple's support for #openUSD animated primvars.
I animate UV/st coordinates and use opacity tex and opacityThreshold.
Preview app neither uses opacity, nor UV anim
Finder preview (SceneKit) handles opacity well, and animates (.usdc) but not .usdz
And RealityComposer and AR Quick Look seem to ignore the UV anim.
Let's change from UV anim to SkelAnim and hope for WWDC advancements.
Hey to Celebrate the release of Swift Playgrounds 4.2 today
I built a quick RoomPlan Scanning App using SwiftUI.
Check out the demo below.
Will also add the scanning feature to my USDA Editor App & post details later.
#SwiftUI #OpenUSD