Just you wait, as soon as iOS supports 3rd-party browser engines, chrome will _increase_ in market share.
iOS is actually atm is the last actual stand against chrome dominance.
@mtomweb @dalmaer @johnallsopp @hankchizljaw
The #OpenWebAdvocacy group is shooting them selves in the foot
#OpenWebAdvocacy #chrome #openweb #ios #apple #ios17
huh, maybe third-party app stores on iOS. I am reserving judgement since there is a lot of letter-of-the-law-but-not-spirit available here, but... the needle is nonetheless moving. But: web apps please, Apple. #OpenWebAdvocacy
#OWA Takes on #Apple ’s #Browser #Ban for #PWA #Parity – #TheNewStack
https://thenewstack.io/owa-takes-on-apples-browser-ban-for-pwa-parity/ #AppleBrowserBan #OpenWeb #OpenWebAdvocacy
#OpenWebAdvocacy #openweb #AppleBrowserBan #thenewstack #parity #pwa #ban #Browser #Apple #owa
"Without regulatory or legislative change, we risk losing a universal, free and open, write once, deploy anywhere, application distribution and deployment system..."
"Apps built with the free and open #web need equal treatment and integration. Closed and heavily taxed proprietary ecosystems should not receive any preference."
via https://www.theregister.com/2022/02/28/apple_apps_challenge/
#web #AppleBrowserBan #openweb #OpenWebAdvocacy #OWA