82 followers · 227 posts · Server

They're iconic, they contain a huge share of the population, and they're almost entirely absent from video games' depictions of reality.

#gamesfeatures #OpenWorldGames #suburbs #videogamedesign #thecrew2 #grandtheftauto

Last updated 2 years ago

Pseudonymous John · @JohnFromNearBoston
58 followers · 231 posts · Server

Finally playing Cyberpunk 2077 after picking it up cheap. Quite enjoyable so far, and the world seems far more "real" than other open world games I've played, at least based on the scale of it. The urgency of the main quest is awful - let me ignore this chip rapidly killing me to go race some cars - though this is annoyingly common in the genre (Fallout 4 and Oblivion are the worst, Morrowind and New Vegas do a great job avoiding it).

#OpenWorldGames #rpg #cyberpunk2077 #pcgaming #gaming

Last updated 2 years ago

7 followers · 21 posts · Server

CD Projekt RED has patched 'Cyberpunk 2077' many times, and yet, I couldn't help but keep avoiding the city it's set in.

#gamesopinion #daddy #cyberpunk2077 #OpenWorldGames

Last updated 2 years ago

Chiel G, Nevele · @nevele
30 followers · 21 posts · Server

The new haul and to play in the coming months. New York Zoo for when friends come over, Fox in the Forest for a quick trick-taking card game with my partner at night and Sleeping Gods for on the weekends.

Especially looking forward to the Sleeping Gods. I've heard it's storybook game, atlas game and open world game all in one and one of the first times an open world setting like you get in PC game was properly and even better done as a boardgame.

#boardgames #OpenWorldGames

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexander · @SaddlerFan
96 followers · 406 posts · Server