Now, every time I read news about the “new” #OperaBrowser I get confirmation that my choice was the right one, but it still pains me that I had to make it —and I was just a user, I can't imagine how the founders feel about it (I know at least one of them is here, but I'll avoid pinging them out of courtesy).
And still, I am not really satisfied with my choice, given @mozilla's reticence in supporting #openWeb and #indieWeb standards —even ones they used to support (like #RSS).
#Operabrowser #openweb #indieweb #rss
When it comes to #FLOSS, I have always considered myself a pragmatist, making an effort to use FLOSS software as far as possible, but always taking into consideration proprietary software when it made sense.
One of the few pieces of non-FLOSS software I used to enjoy was the #OperaBrowser.
ChatGPT al bando: come aggirare il blocco e vivere felici
#chatgpt #garante #operabrowser
#chatgpt #garante #Operabrowser
ChatGPT al bando: come aggirare il blocco e vivere felici
#chatgpt #garante #operabrowser
#chatgpt #garante #Operabrowser
The recent developments have made me realize that I should probably write a #FirefoxRequiem series not unlike the #OperaRequiem I started when the first news of its sellout came around, but the truth is that I've never been invested in #Mozilla #Firefox the way I was in the #OperaBrowser, and @mozilla's failure (intentional or not) to keep their browser at the forefront of the defense of #OpenStandards and a free web really doesn't help.
#OpenStandards #Operabrowser #firefox #mozilla #OperaRequiem #FirefoxRequiem
The recent developments have made me realize that I should probably write #FirefoxRequiem series not unlike the #OperaRequiem I started when the first news of its sellout came around, but the truth is that I've never been invested in #Mozilla #Firefox the way I was in the #OperaBrowser, and @mozilla's failure (intentional or not) to keep their browser at the forefront of the defense of #OpenStandards and a free web really doesn't help.
#OpenStandards #Operabrowser #firefox #mozilla #OperaRequiem #FirefoxRequiem
For the reading pleasure of those that prefer long-form writing to overlong Mastodon threads, I've collected my recent thread about the former importance for the #openWeb of the #OperaBrowser in its Presto incarnation, and how its end also arguably marked the end of the open web as we knew and loved it.
Microsoft had reasons for this: at first it was because they didn't “get” the Internet, later on it was because it's the only way they had to (attempt to) control it. They did all they could to cripple it: remember when #OperaSoftware released a “Bork” edition of their of the #OperaBrowser in response to #Microsoft serving them intentionally broken CSS?
Now imagine what the Internet would have been like if Opera, @mozilla and few others hadn't held their ground.
#microsoft #Operabrowser #OperaSoftware
Microsoft had reason for this: at first it was because they didn't “get” the Internet, later on it was because it's the only way they had to (attempt to) control it. They did all they could to cripple it: remember when #OperaSoftware released a “Bork” edition of their of the #OperaBrowser in response to #Microsoft serving them intentionally broken CSS?
Now imagine what the Internet would have been like if Opera, @mozilla and few others hadn't held their ground.
#microsoft #Operabrowser #OperaSoftware
Microsoft had reason for this: at first it was because they didn't “get” the Internet, later on it was because it's the only way they had to (attempt to) control it. They did all they could to cripple it: remember when #OperaSoftware released a “Bork” edition of their of the #OperaBrowser in response to #Microsoft serving them intentionally broken CSS?
Now imagine what the Internet would have been like if them, @mozilla and few others hadn't held their ground.
#microsoft #Operabrowser #OperaSoftware
With the modern #OperaBrowser now just a derelict ghost of its past self, hooked into proprietary initiatives (think of its Messenger for closed silo networks) and cryptocurrency shilling, some of its legacy is now being carried by _another_ Chromium skin/fork: @Vivaldi
Although I do not appreciate it being partially closed source, or its reliance on Blink (that for example precludes #JpegXL), it does seem to be still interested in keeping the spirit of the “swiss army knife of the (open) web”.
I don't think people appreciate the role that #OperaSoftware played in fostering the #OpenWeb and #IndieWeb during the first #browserWar (when the #OperaBrowser was still built on their proprietary #Presto engine), and a fortiori the role it had in their demise (when they switched to being “just another #WebKit/#Blink skin”), despite their browser never even reaching a 3% market share.
#webkit #presto #Operabrowser #browserWar #indieweb #openweb #OperaSoftware
Buon giorno community di @lealternative mi dite una opinione #Operabrowser? Perché io lo uso sia nel PC e dello Smartphone.