#Bipartisan #Carbonbombs: Freezing the #defensebudget makes far more sense than freezing #domesticspending, and would allow for #reevaluating the #OperationsAndMaintenance budget as well as setting #realisticpriorities in a hardware #budget out of control.
The simple fact is that mindless #militarization is being challenged by neither the #Congress nor #TheMedia.
#BiPartisan #CarbonBombs #defensebudget #domesticspending #reevaluating #OperationsAndMaintenance #realisticpriorities #budget #militarization #congress #themedia #warsforoil #keepitintheground #humanrightsnow
RT @neimagazine@twitter.com
Operation of unit 3 at Mochovce NPP facing delays after leak detected during pressure tests... https://www.neimagazine.com/news/newsdelays-for-mochovce-3-10422185 #nuclear #power #energy #NuclearEnergy #operationsandmaintenance
#OperationsAndMaintenance #nuclearenergy #energy #power #nuclear
@rysiek There's a flavour of argument over packaging systems and formats which runs:
What's not realised is that the fundamental value and benefit to package management is to systems administrators / owners / users, and integrated distributions of packages. And that the major costs of operation and maintenance are not installation, but *operations and maintenance.
"Easy for sofware developers" typically translates to "encourages sloppy and difficult-to-maintain processes and practices". Not only this, but by lowering up-front costs at the expense of long-term costs, the practice further encourages poor practices (from an O&M perspective), and puts well-behaved software at a disadvantage.
See the Debian Project's explicit focus on user benefit, a long-term value benefit.
This is a Jevons Paradox / Gresham's Law crowding out of well-behaved software and a race-to-the-bottom of poor long-term O&M behaviour.
#Linux #PackageManagement #OperationsAndMaintenance #JevonsParadox #GreshamsLaw #Flatpak #snap
#linux #packagemanagement #OperationsAndMaintenance #jevonsparadox #greshamslaw #flatpak #snap