I would rather a world that allows Roma to be who we are much more than a world that demands Romani assimilation into euro-american, urban, capitalism.
I don't want suits and houses and jobs, I want vordon and song and graj.
I don't want the viperous, faux mask of tolerance capitalism uses to assimilate people, I want just anarchism that builds diverse, decolonial, and caring communities.
#romanianarchism #anarchism #OpreRoma
Solidarity with Roma in Italy. #OpreRoma
"But with this right-wing coalition in power, the plight of the Romani people may get much worse. Both Berlusconi and Salvini have a long track record of anti-Roma policies, while Meloni has a history of racist anti-Roma rhetoric. If and when the new government starts its assault on Roma communities, the European Union must not stay silent, as it has so often done over the past 15 years"
RT @Ismael_CortesG: Hoy #16May es el Día de la #RomaniResistance.
@EnComu_Podem saludamos a los/as Gitanos/as de toda Europa que son parte de la memoria #antifascista. Valga como homenaje nuestra reciente victoria de la tipificación del antigitanismo como delito de odio.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/PabloEchenique/status/1526159777386078214
#16May #RomaniResistance #antifascista #OpreRoma #AntiFascist
RT @Minceirbeoir
May 16th marks Roma Resistance Day. When 6000 Roma and Sinti prisoners stood up to the Nazi SS in Auschwitz-Birkenau, temporarily delaying the liquidation of the ‘Gypsy camp’ (zigeunlager) by fighting off the soldiers sent to take them to the gas chambers.
RT @Minceirbeoir
Let us never forget their suffering. We were not there during the terror of Hilter but we are here now. Stand in solidarity with Roma worldwide to ensure they have their human rights and are loved.
#OpreRoma #RomaResistanceDay
RT @Ismael_CortesG: Hoy #16May es el Día de la #RomaniResistance.
@EnComu_Podem saludamos a los/as Gitanos/as de toda Europa que son parte de la memoria #antifascista. Valga como homenaje nuestra reciente victoria de la tipificación del antigitanismo como delito de odio.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MEugeniaRPalop/status/1526144459271979009
#16May #RomaniResistance #antifascista #OpreRoma #AntiFascist
RT @Minceirbeoir: May 16th marks Roma Resistance Day. When 6000 Roma and Sinti prisoners stood up to the Nazi SS in Auschwitz-Birkenau, temporarily delaying the liquidation of the ‘Gypsy camp’ (zigeunlager) by fighting off the soldiers sent to take them to the gas chambers.
RT @podem_cat: El missatge d’@Ismael_CortesG pel #DiaInternacionalPuebloGitano 👇
“Debemos ser capaces de reivindicar nuestros derechos sin miedo.
Hay que romper cadenas y defender nuestra cultura, nuestro derecho a ser un pueblo libre, a ser un pueblo más”.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MEugeniaRPalop/status/1512412859640303618
#DiaInternacionalPuebloGitano #SastipenThajMestipen #OpreRoma
La comunidad romaní sufre discriminación en Europa y ha sido criminalizada desde tiempo inmemorial.
Ahora, con la brutalidad de la guerra, parece que, lejos de atemperarse, esa criminalización se endurece y se agrava 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MEugeniaRPalop/status/1512342174398091266
#b0804 #Berlin 8.4.2022
F*ck your paradise!
📍Start: 16:00 Denkmal für die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti* und Roma* Europas / Anschließend Parade zum Rosa-Luxemburg Platz
🔗 https://romaday.info/
#OpreRoma #romaday #romadayparade #refugeeswelcome #stopwar #peace #freedom #stopracism #stoppolicebrutality #leavenoonebehind
#b0804 #Berlin #romadayparade #OpreRoma #Romaday #refugeeswelcome #stopwar #peace #freedom #stopracism #stoppolicebrutality #leavenoonebehind
New translated article about Anti-Roma racism and the capitalist system, an interview to the amazingly talented Pastori Filigrana originally published in CTXT. ✨🧡
Read it here: https://www.guerrillatranslation.org/2021/04/08/anti-roma-racism-is-useful-for-justifying-the-capitalist-system/
¡Feliz día internacional del pueblo gitano! ¡Opre Roma!