Mir hunn en #Opruff fir Projetsvirschléi lancéiert déi eis hëllefe sollen besser ze verstoen wéi Desinformatioun sech verbreet. Mir wëllen doduerch verstoe wéi Desinformatioun iwwert de russesche Krich géint d'Ukrain, d'Walen an d'LGBTQI+ Communautéit entseet. #EUvsDisinfo
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European Commission: We've launched a call for project proposals that support a better understanding of how disinformation is formed and spread.
It aims to understand how disinfo narratives on Russia’s war against Ukraine, elections and the LGBTQ+ community emerge online and offline.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UE_Luxembourg/status/1686383065889902592