@PeteLittle1970 replying outside of the group because tangent, but same here. I have #CongenitalAnosmia from #OpticNerveHypoplasia. I'm in a similar place as you with the smell-to-taste analogy--it breaks down when you get outside the realm of food. I couldn't begin to describe that wet dirt smell, or, for example, campfire smoke, or "new car." They're all just air passing through my nasal passages, nothing more.
#CongenitalAnosmia #OpticNerveHypoplasia
Wondering if anyone here shares my #ChronicIllnesses or #RareDiseases. I'd like to connect if so. I have #EmptySellaSyndrome, #IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension, #HidradenitisSuppurativa, #migraines, #LaryngopharyngealReflux, #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease, #fibromyalgia, and #OpticNerveHypoplasia. I won't list all the more common or smaller things that have come along with them. I'm newly diagnosed with the first 3, so I'd like to learn from someone who's been dealing with them for longer.
#ChronicIllnesses #RareDiseases #EmptySellaSyndrome #IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension #hidradenitissuppurativa #migraines #LaryngopharyngealReflux #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #fibromyalgia #OpticNerveHypoplasia