Sometimes one simply wakes up from MUSH memories and streams of comeuppance, discovers a cat nesting on one's head, and ends up with poetry. There's no possible apology for this.
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Sweet Feet And Clover
October 17, 2022
for all that I might code
familiarity is one of horse and rider
wherein both code and I
are both, sometimes good
sometimes one of four
setting out ‘cross LAN
hoof-prints in MUD
layering behind clones
administering woe
year upon year, until
un-dissuaded, pervasive
griefers fall to harvest
there will be no ruin-sympathy
a thousand votes in auspicious voice
sans saddle, sans traces, all named
rightly and with vigor, socks
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#poem #poetry #writing #HackThePlanet #OrAtLeastWriteAboutTheOldDays #BoatyMcBoatface
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Poetry normally shows up over at (short form) and (long form)
#boatymcboatface #OrAtLeastWriteAboutTheOldDays #hacktheplanet #writing #poetry #poem