"Worldcoin Launched. Then Came the Backlash:
The globe-spanning cryptocurrency and biometric-identity project has agitated regulators."
#blockchain #cryptocurrency #data #privacy #biometric #identity #Worldcoin #Orb #UBI
#blockchain #cryptocurrency #data #privacy #biometric #identity #worldcoin #Orb #ubi
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Orb, The:
🎵 Little Fluffy Clouds (7'' Mix)
champion · coronation · orb · palace
#breakingnews #coronation #orb
#breakingnews #coronation #Orb
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Orb, The:
🎵 Little Fluffy Clouds (7'' Mix)
Legend says the Orbs of Socrates will come out of hiding once humanity is ready for them
(they’re never coming out are they)
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Orb, The:
🎵 Little Fluffy Clouds (7'' Mix)
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I secretly love it when my henchmen fight for my attention.
if you need me I'll be in the basement building my muscles to fight evil
you don't want him to lose control of those elves up there, he keeps them way up at the north pole far far away from humans for a reason
I'm usually just happy I don't live in a time when I'd have to fight people with axes and swords.
they have us paying more to escape from commercials now things are truly going well for us
you guys hear about this Elvis character? Kid has something I think, but the hip movements are a little lewd you ask me
#Orb #shoothimfromthewaistupplease
I’m not sure when construction of my robot army will finish but I would advise you to be nice to me until then.
When I get too angry it feels good to just let go…of these throwing stars at my enemies.
I consumed a delicious thanksgiving meal today and decided to not stop there I will consume you all, I will devour this universe
Sign up for beta access to #Orb Open Graph, a private #Wikidata Query Service #SPARQL #API with ten minute query timeouts and additional #Wikibase graphs on demand for high-performance, big-data querying. Free to use during the beta. https://airtable.com/shr8PELLVfo4Yrwl0
#Orb #Wikidata #sparql #api #wikibase