The #OregonZoo has seen 26 live #elephant births over the past 50 years, with 19 elephants dying at the zoo, raising serious concerns about the welfare of elephants in captivity. Take action for elephants!
γSenior Red Panda Moshu Enjoys Special Care, Snacks.γ
#moshu #OregonZoo #γ¬γγ΅γΌγγ³γ #redpanda
A delightful peek at Moshu's life (for all of us who are missing a certain other red panda)
#OregonZoo #Moshu #RedPanda
sound on for maximum feels
#OregonZoo #chompers
me at the #OregonZoo taking this picture: don't screw this up Bianca, think @jeffvandermeer come on, be the nature or... *click*