Yesterday, the 19th #BetaCodex research paper was published! "Cell Structure Design Patterns" continues our groundbreaking work on #OrgDesign from previous papers on #CellStructureDesign, #OrganizeForComplexity and #OrgPhysics.
Read the new paper here:
#orgdev #organizationaldesign #eodf #odf #change #decentralization #newwork #leadership #systemsthinking #lean #agile #agiletransformation #leanbase #red42 #betacodexnetwork
#betacodex #orgdesign #cellstructuredesign #organizeforcomplexity #OrgPhysics #orgdev #organizationaldesign #eodf #odf #change #decentralization #newwork #leadership #systemsthinking #Lean #agile #agiletransformation #leanbase #red42 #betacodexnetwork
The topic of next week's #BetaCodex Live session: "Outside-in, inside-out: Innovation in decentralized organizations". Watch it live on Monday, at 15.00hs CET and join the conversation right afterwards!
#decentralization #cellstructuredesign #orgphysics #orgdesign #systemsthinking #beyondbudgeting #lean #agile #teal #orgdev #newwork #leadership
#betacodex #decentralization #cellstructuredesign #OrgPhysics #orgdesign #systemsthinking #beyondbudgeting #Lean #agile #teal #orgdev #newwork #leadership
LOVE is in the air!
There is a bit of news to share around #BetaCodex research projects: Niels Pflaeging pushed ahead with a new research project the other day. First results will be published within the next 2 weeks!
Read more about it under "Research Project No. 3":
#betacodexnetwork #managementresearch #systemsthinking #orgdev #eodf #odf #orgdesign #cellstructuredesign #decentralization #orgphysics #red42 #workthesystem #openspacebeta #relativetargets
#betacodex #betacodexnetwork #managementresearch #systemsthinking #orgdev #eodf #odf #orgdesign #cellstructuredesign #decentralization #OrgPhysics #red42 #workthesystem #openspacebeta #relativetargets
A maioria das propostas de #OrgDesign tenta melhorar as coisas "consertando as pessoas", reorganizando a Estrutura Formal e trazendo novas ferramentas brilhantes. Infelizmente, nada disso pode melhorar significativamente a criação de valor, resultados ou inovação.
Aqui está o porquê:
#BetaCodex #OrgPhysics
#orgdesign #betacodex #OrgPhysics
Here @nielspflaeging contrasts #AgileScaling, the so-called #SpotifyModel and #orgdesign approaches with #BetaCodex and decentralization! (Highlight from the #5YearsOfOpenSpaceBeta anniversary event)
#cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #agile #agiletransformation #safe #unfix #less #sas #MatrixStructures #holacracy #sociocracy #betacodex #lean #leantransformation #transformation #orgphysics
#agilescaling #spotifymodel #orgdesign #betacodex #5yearsofopenspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #agile #agiletransformation #safe #unfix #less #sas #matrixstructures #holacracy #sociocracy #Lean #leantransformation #transformation #OrgPhysics
We started the weekly #BetaCodexLIVE series at the beginning of May. Now we are moving the live streaming to MONDAYS, to make sessions easier to attend. Next Monday's edition is entitled "Free of leaders, full of leadership(s)". Join us & learn about #OrgPhysics!
#betacodex #leadership #newwork #futureofleadership #lean #agile #teal #scrum #systemsthinking #decentralization #cellstructuredesign #beyondbudgeting #orgdesign #orgdev #organizationaldevelpment
#betacodexlive #OrgPhysics #betacodex #leadership #newwork #futureofleadership #Lean #agile #teal #scrum #systemsthinking #decentralization #cellstructuredesign #beyondbudgeting #orgdesign #orgdev #organizationaldevelpment
OpenSpace Beta is going to celebrate its 5th anniversary in June! Nothing more fitting, on that occasion, to remember that #OpenSpaceBeta-based transformation has been undertaken by quite a few companies already. Here is the testimonial of @tporath, an entrepreneur that @silkehermann and I accompanied during his company's #transformation, which happened in the middle of the COVID pandemic, and for the whole company at once, with teams in 3 countries.
#5yearsofopenspacebeta #betacodex #Red42 #agiletransformation #orgdev #changemanagement #culturechange #newwork #changeasflipping #orgphysics #cellstructuredesign #workthesystem
#openspacebeta #transformation #5yearsofopenspacebeta #betacodex #red42 #agiletransformation #orgdev #changemanagement #culturechange #newwork #changeasflipping #OrgPhysics #cellstructuredesign #workthesystem
#OrgPhysics in Follett's words –
a #BetaCodex white paper on Issuu:
#leadership #power #valuecreation #systemsthinking #follett #folletianism #agile #lean
#OrgPhysics #betacodex #leadership #power #valuecreation #systemsthinking #follett #folletianism #agile #Lean
Freshly arrived!
#cellstructuredesign #betacodex #red42 @silkehermann #transformation #leadership #orgdesign #eodf #orgphysics #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #zellstrukturdesign
#cellstructuredesign #betacodex #red42 #transformation #leadership #orgdesign #eodf #OrgPhysics #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #zellstrukturdesign
@chrisadams @silkehermann @BetaCodex
You can find more material on #OrgPhysics and other #BetaCodex topics here in the #BetaCodex white papers:
Acredite ou não, toda Organização possui:
três #Estruturas - não apenas uma:
a Hierárquica, a Informal e a da Criação de Valor.
Três #Domínios - não apenas um:
da Conformidade, das Relações Humanas
e do Trabalho e Desempenho.
Três tipos de #Poder - não apenas um:
da Posição, da Influência e da Reputação
Três #Lideranças - e não "líderes":
da Posição, da Personalidade e a da Maestria.
#BetaCodex #OrgPhysics
#estruturas #dominios #poder #liderancas #betacodex #OrgPhysics
Organizations do NOT have tops and bottoms. Instead, they have #periphery and #center. And that's not an opinion - It's #OrgPhysics!
Read the article by @silkehermann, Brad Winn and myself from #PeopleStrategy Magazine:
#orgdesign #orgdev #leadership #cellstructuredesign #decentralization #OrganizationalDevelopment #newwork #futureofleadership #betacodex #eodf #odf #OrganizationalDesign @BetaCodex
#eodf #odf #organizationaldesign #periphery #center #OrgPhysics #orgdesign #orgdev #leadership #cellstructuredesign #decentralization #organizationaldevelopment #newwork #futureofleadership #betacodex #peoplestrategy
@manlius Then you should like this research paper of ours, on #OrgPhysics!
In 2011, #BetaCodex Network associates @silkehermann and @nielspflaeging created the concept of #OrgPhysics - a powerful theory and likely the first robust and multi-faceted theory of organizational #leadership ever presented. It's a new era for #OrganizationalDevelopment, #change, and the science of #OrganizationalBehavior. Ignore #OrgPhysics at your own peril! and
#change #organizationalbehavior #betacodex #OrgPhysics #leadership #organizationaldevelopment
Some people still seem to believe that organizations have a single structure, one kind of power, and one kind of #leadership. They could not be more mistaken!
This is #OrgPhysics:
#betacodex #leadership #power #orgdesign #newwork #agile #decentralization #orgdev #futureofleadership #lean #leanagile #management #workthesystem
#leadership #OrgPhysics #betacodex #power #orgdesign #newwork #agile #decentralization #orgdev #futureofleadership #lean #leanagile #management #workthesystem
People who are constantly pointing out heroes & culprits
have not yet understood the nature of collaboration and the nature of organizational value creation.
#betacodex #cellstructuredesign #orgphysics #newwork #leadership #futureofleadership #agile #agility #lean #teal
#scrum #kanban #leanagile #workthesystem #decentralizerepeat
#betacodex #cellstructuredesign #OrgPhysics #newwork #leadership #futureofleadership #agile #agility #lean #teal #scrum #kanban #leanagile #workthesystem #decentralizerepeat
#CellStructureDesign the book.
For now, check out the web page:
#orgdesign #decentralization #orgphysics #betacodex @silkehermann #eodf #odf
#cellstructuredesign #orgdesign #decentralization #OrgPhysics #betacodex #eodf #odf
Forthcoming in early 2023: #CellStructureDesign the book.
For now, check out the web page:
#orgdesign #decentralization #orgphysics #betacodex @silkehermann #eodf #odf
#cellstructuredesign #orgdesign #decentralization #OrgPhysics #betacodex #eodf #odf
Much updated!
The #BetaCodex channel on YouTube:
#change #transformation #agile #agility #lean #beyondbudgeting #orgdev #orgdesign #leadership #newwork #futureofleadership #selforganization #decentralization #openspacebeta #newleadership #eodf #odf #orgphysics
#betacodex #change #transformation #agile #agility #Lean #beyondbudgeting #orgdev #orgdesign #leadership #newwork #futureofleadership #selforganization #decentralization #openspacebeta #newleadership #eodf #odf #OrgPhysics
We just gave the #BetaCodex YouTube channel a GOOD overhaul! Check it out:
#leadership #change #transformaiton #orgdev #orgdesign #agile #lean #beyondbudgeting #orgphysics #openspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #organizationaldevelopment
#betacodex #leadership #change #transformaiton #orgdev #orgdesign #agile #Lean #beyondbudgeting #OrgPhysics #openspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #organizationaldevelopment