Surgeons place a #GeneticallyModified pig #kidney into the body of a brain-dead patient. The kidney is still functioning after 32 days.
This is great, awesome, exciting, and even groovy news. But you should still register as an #OrganDonor.
#geneticallymodified #kidney #OrganDonor #science #medicine #transplant
Global News BC: Donating kidney to stranger helps B.C. woman heal after losing 2 children #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #liveorgandonation #organdonationneed #KidneyTransplant #Livetransplant #OrganDonor #Transplant #LiveDonor #Health #Donor
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #liveorgandonation #organdonationneed #kidneytransplant #Livetransplant #OrganDonor #transplant #LiveDonor #health #Donor
I am passionate about one of the most beautiful aspects of medicine - human organ donation, a gift of life. I am so moved and humbled by this image of a Japanese transplant team bowing in respect before the body of a donor. #organdonor #transplant #Japan
#japan #transplant #OrganDonor