Evan Gough - Webb Sees Organic Molecules in the Hearts of Galaxies, Surprisingly Close to Active Supermassive Black Holes:
#JamesWebb #JWST #Telescope #OrganicMolecules #Organics #PolycyclicAromaticHydrocarbons #Hydrocarbons #PAH #GalaxyEvolution #SeyfertGalaxies #Galaxies #BlackHoles #Astrobiology #Astronomy
#astronomy #Astrobiology #blackholes #galaxies #SeyfertGalaxies #GalaxyEvolution #PAH #Hydrocarbons #PolycyclicAromaticHydrocarbons #organics #OrganicMolecules #telescope #JWST #JamesWebb
#astronomy #astrobiology #OrganicMolecules An article published in "The Astrophysical Journal" reports the discovery of complex organic molecules around a protostar at the edge of the Milky Way.
#astronomy #astrobiology #OrganicMolecules
#astronomy #protostars #ProtoplanetaryDisks #OrganicMolecules #ALMA An article published in "The Astrophysical Journal" reports a study of organic molecules detected in 50 regions of protoplanetary disk formation in the Perseus Molecular Cloud.
#astronomy #protostars #ProtoplanetaryDisks #OrganicMolecules #alma
Matt Williams - Titan’s #Atmosphere Recreated in an Earth Laboratory (Imaging #Titan's #OrganicHaze at Atomic Scale, by Fabian Schulz, Julien Maillard, Katharina Kaiser, et al.):
#AtmosphericPhysics #Astrobiology #OrganicMolecules #Methane #Nitrogen #IBM
#ibm #Nitrogen #methane #OrganicMolecules #Astrobiology #AtmosphericPhysics #OrganicHaze #titan #atmosphere