@ChristianKrebel Certainly.
Ad tool-support for #orgdown: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Tool-Support.org
What is Orgdown? https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown
Explanation/motivation for people who are already familiar with #orgmode: https://karl-voit.at/2021/11/27/orgdown/
@patze_pop @PaulaToThePeople Deshalb finde ich zum Beispiel #indieweb ganz spannend.
Ich pers枚nlich habe ja schon mehrfach geschrieben, dass ich mir ein System w眉nschen w煤rde, wo man #orgdown-Dateien (anstatt HTML-Dateien) miteinander verlinkt und sie mit einem simplen Protokoll navigierbar macht. Also eigentlich eh fast wie indieweb nur halt mit einer deutlich besseren Markup-Syntax. Aber auch diesen Kampf werde ich wohl verlieren.
Es setzt sich fast nie das objektiv technisch Bessere durch.
@debacle @mattsheffield What happened meanwhile from my perspective:
https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown + whole project
@sudokill @nickanderson When it comes to tool-support: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Tool-Support.org
I'd say #orgdown is really well-supported even compared to #markdown.
@sudokill @nickanderson I do have listed a few arguments where one might conclude that markdown IS actually the worst. Every time I read a post by #pandoc which explains this or that feature but only for this or that flavor of markdown, I have to laugh. It's contradicting, non-standardized, badly designed, hard to type and - unfortunately - widely used.
By explaining the advantages of #orgdown, I'm trying to change the latter because this would be a huge improvement for everybody.
@nickanderson @sudokill Related: #OrgMode Syntax Is One of the Most Reasonable Markup Languages to Use for Text https://karl-voit.at/2017/09/23/orgmode-as-markup-only/
... with qualified criticism on the syntax design of #Markdown and other #LML. #orgdown
#orgmode #markdown #LML #Orgdown
i said "we need more messengers, and more note-taking apps. we need a million slightly different note-taking apps." as a childish joke.
but then actually we do need another one: one that supports #orgdown (for #org) and that also syncs to #nextcloud.
a fork of (nextcloud's) notes app?
@boilingsteam 馃檮 I guess we will stick to this inconsistent, hard to type and non-standardized #markdown forever although there's #orgdown which would have many benefits. 馃様 https://karl-voit.at/2017/09/23/orgmode-as-markup-only/
@ramin_hal9001 @hyperreal @dozens I'd say that #OD1 is pretty minimal: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Orgdown-Levels.org
ad embedded #elisp absolutely not. Not another JavaScript hell with a different scripting language. That would introduce the same issues we're facing with the current WWW. #orgdown
@bignose @rauschma Thanks. Org-mode is very cool, yes.
However, it's not just that. If you differ between the #Emacs implementation and the syntax of the markup (orgdown), you'll discover a new ecosystem of applications that work with this kind of files: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Tool-Support.org
And #orgdown is much better than #markdown from a user's perspective: https://karl-voit.at/2017/09/23/orgmode-as-markup-only/
@qed I'd recommend #orgdown for the syntax and maybe #PIM (personal information management) for stuff that's not directly Emacs-related.
Maybe #zettelkasten but that's not my personal taste: https://karl-voit.at/2020/06/14/Zettelkasten-concerns/ https://karl-voit.at/2020/07/22/org-super-links/
#Orgdown #pim #zettelkasten #emacs
@mntmn I don't understand.
As a service product?
I am running #Syncthing already an I wonder what benefits your service could provide to me.
@teoten @rstats Nice! I've been using #ess on #emacs with literate #orgdown #org files for a few years now, and feel like a wizard when comparing it to my old experiences using RStudio! The only downside is that sharing my #orgmode files with colleagues sometimes is a hassle, because everyone is used to #Rmarkdown.
#rmarkdown #orgmode #org #Orgdown #emacs #ess
@dekkzz76 Here's my article why I consider org ( #orgdown ) the better syntax. You can work with many tools: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Tool-Support.org
And one of those tools for Orgdown is #Emacs with its #orgmode implementation to get the best support for a lightweight markup language there is: https://karl-voit.at/orgmode/
@tschenkel You mix up syntax with Elisp functionality. The main reason why I introduced the term #orgdown.
@publicvoit while I appreciate the motivation for promoting #orgdown, it seems like a tough case to make outside of Emacs. If you're already a markdown user in another editor, what will you gain from switching to orgdown? The basic implementation is nearly identical to markdown in terms of features, only with slightly different syntax. So that's a net loss.
You don't really gain much unless you start working with the core features of orgmode - evaluating source blocks, building agendas etc. If you don't have access to that in other editors, you're asking people to switch to a very similar system without offering any real benefit.
I'm hopeful that I can use #RStudio and #Quarto to get my colleagues to start using markdown (which I can then edit in Emacs). But so far success has been very limited. I just don't think I'm going to get anyone to make the bigger step to orgdown/orgmode.
#Irreal: Writing With #OrgMode
The name for the syntax is #Orgdown 馃槈
#Irreal #orgmode #Orgdown #LML