Is there a solution to load a #nix env for a single #emacs buffer from an arbitrary file?
I'd like to be able to define an environment for a specific #OrgMode file (within #OrgRoam, so in a flat file structure), which would (ideally) tangle a `shell.nix` to the `org-attach-id-dir`, and be loaded into the buffer with some elisp code.
I'd use this, e.g., for taking #literate #pkm notes on programming languages and packages. But being able to define a run environment within #literateprogramming, esp for #reproduciblescience, sounds quite generally useful though.
The basics seem to be in `nix-buffer`, `emacs-direnv` and `envrc.el`, but they all seem to require a directory-specific environment rather than an arbitrary nix file.
#reproduciblescience #literateprogramming #pkm #literate #Orgroam #orgmode #emacs #nix
Using #orgroam to enforce integrity in reporting progress ( for future reference )
- after seeing progress
- capture today
- name of concern: concern_i
- detail of progress
-- say i: [j,k]
In ~/org/progress/concern_[j-k].org
- org-table [date column]
- C-c+. , Return , return
To track date d wise progress on concern_i on any date , just find
~/org/progress/ and org-capture-goto-d
Topic wise Filter,Link and concatenate these entries periodically
I guess I'm now using #OrgRoam. This is the time of year for dubious resolutions, and I'm especially unsure of this one! But for now I'm solidly in the "giving it a try" phase. This is a continuation from [1]. I'm mainly interested in using it to capture (something like) what the zettelkasten people call "fleeting thoughts".
Tagging people who said they might be interested. Hi! :)
@ryn @MartinEscardo @jonmsterling
Using the default spacemacs config seems to have me working! So far I can create a new node, and when I try to reopen it, I create a new one with the same name 🤦♂️ But, I guess I have gotten started. I don't really plan to keep a running commentary here; I'm going to go away now and try to learn how to use it.
I've decided that some enhanced personal note system is just what I need to get going over the "break". I'm about to commit to #OrgRoam because I'm already a pretty committed #emacs (#spacemacs) user. Before I do though, does anyone have a different suggestion? I see #obsidian is a popular alternative, but from here it looks about the same and I prefer libre.
You have until I get it set up and running to tell me. So, judging by the tutorials I've skimmed, that's going to be quite a while :/
#obsidian #spacemacs #emacs #Orgroam
In all seriousness, remember those roundtables with nameplates , where who face who permutation was determinstic , as per the assembly to prevent or rush an event or course of things in worked for a predicable market ,as power dynamic was rock solid and crystal clear, not much changed.
That was #database
For a more chaotic env you declare an agenda with due contingency and let that set the above.
That's #Orgroam
Thoughts on #zettelkasten using #Orgroam ?
Getting into emacs and want to convert my #ObsidianMD to emacs friendly form
#ObsidianMD #Orgroam #zettelkasten
#Emacs #orgmode: #orgroam has upgraded to v2 with breaking changes:
Now, ID links are first citizen links along with file links.
Maybe I need to give it a shot since this addresses some of my criticism from
#Zettelkasten or #Emacs #Orgroam or #Orgbrain Is Crap: 😕
#zettelkasten #emacs #Orgroam #Orgbrain #publicvoit #pim #knowledge