ORIGEN DEL MIEDO ESCÉNICO | Con Nombre de Podcast 04x31
El miedo escénico o pánico a exponerse en público puede estar presente en todos y cada uno de nosotros. Ya no estoy hablando de músicos y actores que se enfrentan a una representación pública y en directo, sino
#cómodo #costumbres #descampado #emperador #gladiador #historia #influencias #juegos #miedo #misterio #música #origen #pánico #roma #the beatles #vivencias #podcast #con nombre de podcast
#comodo #costumbres #descampado #emperador #gladiador #historia #influencias #juegos #miedo #misterio #musica #Origen #panico #Roma #the #vivencias #podcast #con
During “What is Neoplatonism?”, I was clued into the term noetics
#plato #neoplatonism #ammoniussacca #plotinus #noetics #origen #nous #gnosticism #kabbalah #hermitism #science #sufism #magic
#plato #Neoplatonism #ammoniussacca #plotinus #noetics #Origen #nous #gnosticism #kabbalah #hermitism #science #sufism #magic
During “What is Neoplatonism?”, I was clued into the term noetics
#plato #neoplatonism #ammoniussacca #plotinus #noetics #origen #nous #philosophy #worldview #arianism #makeariusgreatagain #nicenecreedwasfakenews
#plato #Neoplatonism #ammoniussacca #plotinus #noetics #Origen #nous #philosophy #worldview #arianism #makeariusgreatagain #nicenecreedwasfakenews
During “What is Neoplatonism?”, I was clued into the term noetics
#plato #neoplatonism #ammoniussacca #plotinus #noetics #origen #nous
#plato #Neoplatonism #ammoniussacca #plotinus #noetics #Origen #nous
My main interests as #primarysources are the #ApostlicFathers, #Irenaeus, #Origen, the #desertfathers, #Evagrius, #JohnCassian #MaximusTheConfessor, #GregoryPalamas, and the #Philokalia and its accompanying literature.
#primarysources #ApostlicFathers #Irenaeus #Origen #desertfathers #evagrius #JohnCassian #MaximusTheConfessor #GregoryPalamas #Philokalia
The majority of the church has been led to believe that in the last days there will be many who rise up and claim to be Christ. However, the apostles and their disciples had a different understanding of what this was actually speaking of.
This is not referring to a literal number who come claiming to be the Christ. Looking back to the time of Jesus, how many have actually made that claim? It is truly saying every word that professes to be an explanation of the Scriptures, but does not contain truth, is considered an antichrist. Those who speak such words claim to be Christ and say ‘I am Christ’; but because they hold no truth, they are deceivers and lead many astray.
To learn more visit us at https://voh.church or connect@voh.church
#Antichrist #Christ #Messiah #Truth #Deceived #Origen #Christian #Anointed #Healing #Deliverance #Truth #Spirit #Soul
#Soul #spirit #deliverance #healing #Anointed #christian #Origen #Deceived #truth #Messiah #christ #antichrist