On July 14, 🇪🇺Atalanta (SEA) in 🇩🇯 coordinated the disembarkation from 🇪🇸ESPS #NAVARRA of AB-212 HELO. It has been a collaboration among SEA Ddijibouti, #OrionDetachment & NAVARRA, supported by 🇫🇷@FFDJ_Officiel
/the air base 188 (BA-188) & escorted by the Djiboutian Coast Guard https://t.co/Wj2CtQWglk
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1681267615002505216
🇯🇵MPRA P-3C crew deployed to 🇩🇯 visited 🇪🇺#EUNAVFOR 🇪🇸#Oriondetachment to establish mutual coordination in monitoring the waters off the Horn of Africa & optimising sorties in the WIO, establishing mitigation measures to enhance flight safety@jmsdf_pao_eng @eu_eeas @EjercitoAire
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1647136470136700930
The 🇪🇺#EUNAVFOR crew of the 🇪🇸@EjercitoAire #Oriondetachment & VIGMA D-4 continue their 24/7 patrol & monitoring mission of the Western Indian Ocean, ready to support in any #maritimesecurity incident. Look at what #OperationAtalanta looks like from the air #morethanships #marsec
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1643901547829493760
#Eunavfor #OrionDetachment #MaritimeSecurity #OperationAtalanta #morethanships #marsec
À Djibouti le 1er avril à la rencontre des acteurs de l’opération de sécurité maritime européenne Atalanta, qui luttent contre la piraterie et les trafics dans l’Océan indien et le Golfe d’Aden.
RT @EUNAVFOR: On 1 April, the @EP_Defence delegation led by @NathalieLoiseau paid a visit to #OperationAtalanta in 🇩🇯Djibouti. They were welcomed by @UEaDjibouti Amb HE Sylvie Tabesse & visited #EUNAVFOR FHQ, #ReinaSofia, #Oriondetachment & SEA. Welcome on board! @eu_eeas …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NathalieLoiseau/status/1643718896099401734
#OperationAtalanta #Eunavfor #REINASOFIA #OrionDetachment
On 1 April, the @EP_Defence delegation led by @NathalieLoiseau paid a visit to #OperationAtalanta in 🇩🇯Djibouti. They were welcomed by @UEaDjibouti Amb HE Sylvie Tabesse & visited #EUNAVFOR FHQ, #ReinaSofia, #Oriondetachment & SEA. Welcome on board! @eu_eeas @europarl_en
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1643600135828430854
#OperationAtalanta #Eunavfor #REINASOFIA #OrionDetachment
🇪🇺#OperationAtalanta & @ModJapan_en Maritime Patrol & Reconnaissance ✈️flying together over the #HornofAfrica ! 🇪🇸#Oriondetachment& 🇯🇵Japanese #P-3 side by side in their commitment to ensure #maritimesecurity in the Western #IndianOcean @jmsdf_pao_eng @MofaJapan_en @EjercitoAire
#OperationAtalanta #HornOfAfrica #OrionDetachment #p #MaritimeSecurity #IndianOcean
If these are not the most beautiful office views, they're close enough! #Oriondetachment 85th rotation is already✈️over the Western #IndianOcean, ensuring #maritimesecurity in #OpAtalanta ´s area 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #morethanships #gofurthertogether @EjercitoAire @Defensagob @Web_AME
#OrionDetachment #IndianOcean #MaritimeSecurity #OpAtalanta #Eunavfor #morethanships #GoFurtherTogether
84th crew of the 🇪🇸#P3 of @EjercitoAire flies their last mission in the 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #OpAtalanta. The rest of #Oriondetachment &the firefighters of the 🇫🇷BA 188 @Armee_de_lair thank them by refreshing them from the heat of 🇩🇯. 85th crew, get ready!
@EMADmde @FadDjibouti @Web_AME
#P3 #Eunavfor #OpAtalanta #OrionDetachment
#OpAtalanta 🇪🇸#Oriondetachment personnel continue their collaborative activities with the 🇩🇯 associations. The smiles of the neediest are the best reward🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #morethanships #gofurthertogether @iamCARITAS @fvaloresfutbol @EjercitoAire @UNDjibouti @WFP @Refugees
#OpAtalanta #OrionDetachment #Eunavfor #morethanships #GoFurtherTogether
#OpAtalanta #Oriondetachment has delivered to @iamCARITAS 🇩🇯 several materials donated by some 🇪🇸 associations, such as "Estela del Ayo," "Damas de Loreto del JMOVA" - Morón Air Base and @fvaloresfutbol. Small acts for big smiles @EjercitoAire @UNDjibouti @WFP @Refugees
The #Oriondetachment was the next #OpAtalanta unit visited by BG Laurent Boïté, Commander of the 🇫🇷 Forces stationed in #Djibouti 🇩🇯. 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #opAtalanta #gofurthertogether
@EMADmde @Defensagob @ejercitodelaire @FadDjibouti @UNDjibouti @UEaDjibouti @RPFranceUE @EtatMajorFR
#OrionDetachment #OpAtalanta #Djibouti #Eunavfor #GoFurtherTogether
Continues the commitment that Spain🇪🇸 has with #MaritimeSecurity in the #HornOfAfrica. Today the 44th contingent of the #OrionDetachment ✈️ begins its surveillance, intelligence and reconnaissance work in the #indianocean
Welcome to 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR team!!
RT @EMADmde: Prosigue el compromiso que España🇪🇸 tiene con la #SeguridadMaritima en el #CuernoDeAfrica. Hoy el 44º contingente del #DestacamentoOrion ✈️ comienza su labor de vigilancia…
#MaritimeSecurity #HornOfAfrica #OrionDetachment #IndianOcean #Eunavfor #SeguridadMaritima #CuernoDeAfrica #DestacamentoOrion
Chief Master Sergeant Jason P. Colon, CSEL for @CJTFHOA , has flown with the #OrionDetachment of the @EjercitoAire in #Djibouti 🇩🇯. He has been able to see first-hand what a maritime patrol mission is like aboard the P3. Congratulations patrolman! 🇪🇺 #OpAtalanta
@USArmy @EMADmde
#OrionDetachment #Djibouti #OpAtalanta
Later he headed for the Djibouti Navy HQ,where he met Captain Ahmed Daher Djama, Commander of the Djiboutian Navy,to discuss the current situation&future cooperation.Lastly,he visited the Support Element Atalanta,the #OrionDetachment ,&the troops stationed in the 🇮🇹 military base
#OrionDetachment from 🇪🇸 @EjercitoAire , delivered food in-kind to Cáritas Djibouti 🇩🇯 This is the second delivery supplied to @iamCARITAS aimed to provide food assistance to children, one of the most vulnerable groups to food insecurity. #morethanships #gofurthertogether @WFP
#OrionDetachment #morethanships #GoFurtherTogether
Last week a new milestone was achieved by one of the 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR #OpAtalanta assets.This time, the 🇪🇸 MPRA ✈️P3 from #OrionDetachment , reached 14,000 flight hours in the Operation. #gofurthertogether #morethanships 💪 @EjercitoAire
@EMADmde @Defensagob @ejercitodelaire @IATA
#Eunavfor #OpAtalanta #OrionDetachment #GoFurtherTogether #morethanships
Common Security & Defense Policy of the 🇪🇺 decorations have been awarded to the personnel of #OrionDetachment of the 🇪🇸 @EjercitoAire in #Djibouti 🇩🇯. May all our recognition fall upon our crew, committed to the mission 24/7 Congratulations! #MOPS #EUNAVFOR #OpAtalanta @EMADmde
#OrionDetachment #Djibouti #MOPS #Eunavfor #OpAtalanta
🇫🇷LtCol Busquet, Support Element 🇪🇺#OpAtalanta Cdr, took part on a surveillance missions over the Western #IndianOcean of the 🇪🇸MPRA P-3 🇩🇯#OrionDetachment 🇪🇸 @EjercitoAire
Clear example of the perfect team-working between all the elements that integrate #EUNAVFOR @EUSec_Defence
#OpAtalanta #IndianOcean #OrionDetachment #Eunavfor
🇪🇺#OpAtalanta #OrionDetachment @EjercitoAire deliver medicines, school supplies, clothes & toys donated by the charity #LaEsteladeAyo & @iamCARITAS military of 🇪🇸B.A. Torrejón to the women's association @sfdjib in 🇩🇯#Djibouti. Proud of your solidarity @EUSec_Defence
#OpAtalanta #OrionDetachment #LaEsteladeAyo #Djibouti