I am now in Orkney Isles working on a memoirish series of meditations about late diagnosed autism, yoga, trauma and class. Will be here most of April. Nice to be back in the UK time zone and finally have time for my new book.
#LateDiagnosedAutism #autism #writing #author #creativenonfiction #ActuallyAutistc #orkneyisles #meditation #yogq #trauma #class #writingretreat #ownvoices
#LateDiagnosedAutism #autism #writing #author #CreativeNonfiction #ActuallyAutistc #OrkneyIsles #meditation #yogq #trauma #class #writingretreat #ownvoices
The Ring of Brodgar, Orkney Mainland #StandingStoneSunday #brodgar #ringofbrodgar #OrkneyIsles #scotland
#StandingStoneSunday #brodgar #ringofbrodgar #OrkneyIsles #scotland
Summer daytrip to Rousay on the Orkney Isles brought this little gem.
#OrkneyIsles #rousay #photography #iPhone #TuesdayPic
The Stones of Stenness
#StandingStoneSunday #OrkneyIsles
The Stones of Stenness #stonesofstenness #orkney #OrkneyIsles #StandingStoneSunday
#stonesofstenness #orkney #OrkneyIsles #StandingStoneSunday
And just to prove how gorgeous it is, this is the inside of the chapel.