Two units of Man-Skewer Boltboyz to add to my Orruk Warclans army
Really fun models to paint, filled with loads of details!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #WarhammerAoS #WarhammerAgeOfSigmar #AoS #AgeOfSigmar #Orruks #OrrukWarclans #Kruleboyz #ManSkewerBoltboyz
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #warhammeraos #warhammerageofsigmar #aos #ageofsigmar #Orruks #orrukwarclans #Kruleboyz #manskewerboltboyz
Brushes down! Feeling good about my fully painted army ready for the GT next weekend.
#warhammercommunuity #paintslam23 #Orruks
Finished up Bazdrogg Nekk-Choppa, the Warhammer + Orruk Megaboss tonight for my Ironjawz!
Beautiful model, so much cool details!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingWarhammer2023 #PaintingGamesWorkshop #WarhammerAoS #WarhammerAgeOfSigmar #AoS #AgeOfSigmar #WarhammerPlus #GrandAllianceDestruction #OrrukWarclans #Orruks #Ironjawz #Ironsunz #Megaboss #OrrukMegaboss #BazdroggNekkChoppa
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer2023 #paintinggamesworkshop #warhammeraos #warhammerageofsigmar #aos #ageofsigmar #warhammerplus #grandalliancedestruction #orrukwarclans #Orruks #ironjawz #ironsunz #megaboss #orrukmegaboss #bazdroggnekkchoppa
The three bannermen of the waaaghpocalypse. #Waaagh!
#WAAAGH #Orruks #warhammercommunity
Ticked a lot of project boxes this weekend! Getting my brutes up to 15. Another 5 Ardboyz, and the mighty pot grot!
#warhammercomminity #Orruks #paintslam23
Finished up a couple of gallatian champions for the upcoming Waaagh! Why do I need 3 Warchantas? Why indeed.
#warhammercommunity #paintslam23 #Orruks
Finally got a few more coats of paint on my Shaman. He's coming right along, can't wait to do the potion he's pouring out for his homies.
#Orruks #warhammercommunity #kruleboys
Bit of progress today! So many brutes. Excited to see how these Kruleboyz play out.
#warhammercommunity #Orruks #bigwaagh
Alright! I've got a GT in a little under 2 months. I think I can get it done. Posting for hobby accountability.
#warhammercommunity #Orruks #bigwaagh
Alright! I've got a GT in a little under 2 months. I think I can get it done. Posting for hobby accountability.
#warhammercommunity #Orruks #bigwaagh
Took some photos to submit to white dwarf. Thought I'd share! More in the comments.
#WarhammerCommunuty #WhiteDwarf #paintslam22 #Orruks
As always waiting for the basing goop to dry. Why did I need a 3rd warchanta? Reasons unclear.
#warhammercommunity #Orruks #paintslam22
Played in Doubles event over the weekend. Our classic duo of Ironjawz and Fyreslayers were crushed completely by our opponents, but we had a blast anyway.
#WarhammerCommunuty #warmongers #Orruks
Finished the squad of Gutrippaz! These guys are good fun to paint. Now I need to decide what to paint next.
#Orruks #warhammercommunity #paintslam22
Why does the second half of the squad take 4x longer? I swear I've been looking at these 4 models for ages.
#warhammercommunity #Orruks #paintslam22
Got me some fancy bolt bois ready to skewer some mans.
Some glam shots of my first couple KruelBoyz. They're joining the great Waaagh my Ironjawz kicked off. So many Gutrippaz to go, but it's a good start.
Megaboss Bazdrogg Nekk-choppa, the Warhammer Plus Year One exclusive, painted red to match my Kruleboyz. This was incredibly fun to paint, one of my favourites so far.
#warhammerageofsigmar #warhammeraos #warhammercommunity #warhammerpainting #miniatures #miniaturepainting #orruks #kruleboyz #ironjawz #warhammer #ageofsigmar #gamesworkshop #warhammerminiatures
#warhammerminiatures #gamesworkshop #ageofsigmar #warhammer #ironjawz #kruleboyz #Orruks #miniaturepainting #miniatures #warhammerpainting #WarhammerCommunity #WarhammerAoS #warhammerageofsigmar
WIP on these Krule Bois. Still some detail steps to go, not to mention bases. Still I think they're looking quite fun.
#warhammercommunity #Orruks #WIPWarhammer
Some WIPs of this KruelBoyz squad I'm working on. The skin tone is starting to look good but plenty of steps to go.
#warhammercommunity #Orruks #WIP