Hackers Just Leaked the Names of 92,000 ‘Freedom Convoy’ Donors
GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding site that helped raise $8.7 million for the anti-vax “freedom convoy” in Canada, was hacked on Sunday night.
RT @gutterbabylife
Alleged leaked recording of call between #DougFord and #CanadaFirst’s #TylerRussell implies direct negotiation between #Ontario premier and organisers of February 2022’s #FreedomConvoy and subsequent illegal #OttawaOccupation. #CDNPoli #ONPoli #BradWall #EmergenciesAct #RCMP
#dougford #canadafirst #tylerrussell #ontario #freedomconvoy #OttawaOccupation #cdnpoli #onpoli #bradwall #EmergenciesAct #rcmp
#Cdnpoli #EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Pierre Poilievre was asked why he is still Leader, Brand , SpokesPerson, Public Relations, Marketing, Recruitment, Santos Lying & Trump Denying for the Con Border Blocking, Murder Plotting , Siege Convoy he is still riding, defending and promoting to the detriment of all Canadians.
He answered:
Values, these are my people. I am them and they are me. We hang out together
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #ottawa #conbegone #cdnpoli
#Cdnpoli #EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Convoy Ver 3.
Self elected President Pierre Poilievre , Convoy Commander said as soon as his win is acknowledged he will:
1. Pardon all Convoy Participants & Anti-Vaxxers
2 Make Public Health Orders as well as any face covering, including masks Illegal.
3. Grant the Power to Pardon to Queen Danielle
4 Have Statutes of Pat King & Tamara Lich erected across Canada
#cdnpoli #EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #ottawa #conbegone
#EmergenciesAct #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Condo owner must also pay up for tenant's disruptive behaviour, tribunal says.
have created or permitted the creation of noise & other nuisances that disturb the comfort & quiet enjoyment
Really,you can be responsible for the behaviour of others -Charles Manson was - like joining,encouraging, funding, feeding, defending, leading, a convoy of disruption noise & nuisance. HONK HONK
#EmergenciesAct #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
For all you good sanctimonious, holier than thou, better than you, eat my diesel, bow to me, Con Christians ,love yer neighbour people:
Having been found guilty as sin Pierre Poilievre the Leader of ConBoy Sinners loudly proclaims you can't touch him and he weill surely cheat and sin again . Amen
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone
Is it really satire, though?
OTTAWA – The highly-anticipated Emergencies Act Inquiry report by Commissioner Paul Rouleau finds that the Trudeau Government’s invocation of the act did indeed meet the legislation’s high “asshole threshold”.
#TheBeaverton #Satire #OttawaOccupation #EmergenciesAct #cdnpoli #convoy #POEC
#TheBeaverton #satire #OttawaOccupation #EmergenciesAct #cdnpoli #convoy #POEC
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Convoy Cons are doubling down as Pierre Poilievre is clear: still hoping to siege your town, shut 'er down.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
In assigning value to Con Comments remember you are hearing from those Con liars & truth deniers found Guilty as Sin that would Convoy, Siege, Border Block, Murder Plot, Weapons stock, Distribute and use again except for interruption.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Pierre Poilievre continues to argue for the Invasion Convoy, Border blocking, Murder Plots, Team Covid, Anti-vaxxer, #ConANon , #Incel #Mgtow Conspiracy Plotter ,impaling Ottawa on a Con Cross
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone #conanon #incel #mgtow
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Judge rules #TreasonTrain of the rails.
Pierre Poilievre says not so, you are.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone #treasontrain
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Pierre Poilievre said when I am Prime Monster I will use the notwithstanding clause & white the wrong to the Con Pox Proud Boys ,and restore the right force to power & you will obey me.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone #abpoli
#EmergenciesAct #POEC #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #FreedumbConvoy #Cdnpoli #Ottawa #ConBeGone
Breaking News:
The Con Anti-Vaxxer Brain Trust of Pierre Poilievre and Her Highness Quackus Danielle Smith are declaring the Good Judge's decision null and bleached and Pardoning all involved,
issuing a Coutts Bravery Medal, a Pat and Tamara Justice Coin , & bad mouthing the Good Judge's Judicious Decision with the usual Con Honking derision.
#EmergenciesAct #poec #OttawaOccupation #PierrePoilievre #freedumbconvoy #cdnpoli #ottawa #conbegone #abpoli
#Cdnpoli #Uspoli #OttawaOccupation #EmergenciesAct
When Petro Pimp Pierre Poilievre & the Invasive Plague Train came out to play, prolong the siege, support the blocking, and the murder plotting, Pontius Ford , The Con Overlord , Convoy Police ,all skidooed away ,to insure the infection would stay and Ottawa would pay endlessly& painfully.
#cdnpoli #uspoli #OttawaOccupation #EmergenciesAct
#Cdnpoli #Uspoli #OttawaOccupation #EmergenciesAct
Attacked by America ,Musk,Trump, & Cruz ,all Nazites
Concerns about American Interference
Roughly 59 percent of the donors who gave $$ to the Freedom Convoy campaign on GiveSendGo, a Christian fundraising site, came from the United States,
Americans also joined from afar with interference campaigns to jam essential services.
“Calls originating from the United States had flooded emergency 911 call centres
#cdnpoli #uspoli #OttawaOccupation #EmergenciesAct
Well, it seems that my prediction was wrong, and that Judge Rouleau considers the use of the #EmergenciesAct appropriate.
I'll have to look at this more carefully, in particular his analysis of whether the police could have ended the #OttawaOccupation without the use of the Act, the weak point of the argument in my opinion.
#EmergenciesAct #OttawaOccupation
Invoquer la Loi sur les mesures d’urgence, une décision appropriée, selon le juge Rouleau
#OttawaOccupation #FreedomConvoy2022
#LoiDesUrgences #EmergenciesAct
#CanPol #cdnpoli
#OttawaOccupation #FreedomConvoy2022 #loidesurgences #EmergenciesAct #canpol #cdnpoli #radiocanada
Le juge Rouleau déposera son rapport vendredi: https://lp.ca/6n7B6T?sharing=true
#OttawaOccupation #FreedomConvoy2022
#CanPol #cdnpoli
#EmergenciesAct #OttawaOccupation #FreedomConvoy2022 #canpol #cdnpoli #lapresse
#Cdnpoli #OttawaOccupation #EmergencyAct
Invasion of Con Pigs . Pierre Poilievre's ConVoy Cult
.Radical Cons
"People who live and work in downtown Ottawa endured several weeks of widespread human rights abuse, amidst a climate of threats, fear, sexual harassment and intimidation marked by racism, misogyny, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and other expressions of hate and intolerance,
#cdnpoli #OttawaOccupation #EmergencyAct
#Cdnpoli #OttawaOccupation #EmergencyAct
Residents abandoned to a violent occupation during 'Freedom Convoy': Report.
#cdnpoli #OttawaOccupation #EmergencyAct