#anneenright #fatimabhutto #jennpelly #rachelkushner #julianahuxtable #kimgordon #lesliejamison #LizPelly #maggienelson #margojefferson #meganjasper #OttessaMoshfegh #simonewhite #sineadgleeson #yiyunli #zakiasewell
Read my ★★★★ review of #OttessaMoshfegh's fourth and latest novel, the out-and-out #Medieval #horror tale #Lapvona, not for the faint of heart nor for those hoping for another "Moshfeghian" tale of unusual female empowerment. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4918420168
#OttessaMoshfegh #medieval #horror #Lapvona
Read my ★ review of #OttessaMoshfegh's #DeathInHerHands, book 3 in my completist run this summer of this beloved contemporary women's-issues author. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52878453-death-in-her-hands
#DeathInHerHands #OttessaMoshfegh
Read my ★★★★ review of #OttessaMoshfegh's 2018 #MyYearOfRestAndRelaxation, part of my 4-book completist run of her this summer, in which I argue that she's our next incarnation of #JGBallard, deeply unsettling and deserving the label "Moshfeghian." https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4793435620
#OttessaMoshfegh #myyearofrestandrelaxation #JGBallard
Read my ★★ review of #OttessaMoshfegh's #Eileen (book 1 of my completist run of her work this month), the answer to the question, "What if someone took the SNL 'Debbie Downer' sketch and rewrote it as a straightforward MFA drama?" https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4751983054
Lena Urzendowsky: Bücher interpretiere ich als Darstellerin oder lese sie ein https://leanderwattig.com/wasmitbuechern/2021/lena-urzendowsky-buecher-interpretiere-ich-als-darstellerin-oder-lese-sie-ein/ #Deutschlandfunk(DLF) #CardiffFilmFestival #LeonieKrippendorff #Publishing-Köpfe #LenaUrzendowsky #OttessaMoshfegh #MilenaReinecke #WasmitBüchern #Interviews #IrisPrize #Audible
#deutschlandfunk #CardiffFilmFestival #LeonieKrippendorff #publishing #LenaUrzendowsky #OttessaMoshfegh #MilenaReinecke #wasmitbüchern #interviews #IrisPrize #audible