Rätsel um Oumuamua gelöst. Interstellarer Brocken wurde durch ausgasenden Wasserstoff beschleunigt. #Oumuamua #interstellar #Komet #Sonnensystem #Astronomie https://www.scinexx.de/news/kosmos/raetsel-um-oumuamua-geloest/
#Oumuamua #interstellar #komet #Sonnensystem #astronomie
@IFOS9000@twitter.com The mystery of #Oumuamua, the first interstellar object ever observed, continues to deepen!
Mystery of Interstellar Visitor ‘#Oumuamua Gets Trickier. Aliens? Or a chunk of solid hydrogen? Which idea makes less sense? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mystery-of-interstellar-visitor-oumuamua-gets-trickier/
It appears the 'natural object' explanations for Oumuamua aren't passing the Occam's Razor test; instead getting more and more complicated in order to support the known facts.
Cool, cool… I've been team "Discarded Solar Sail' for a long time now anyway.