Ermuntert einander mit Psalmen und Lobgesängen und geistlichen Liedern, singt und spielt dem Herrn in eurem Herzen. Epheser 5,19 #Humanity
@christians4future @c4f_hh @mit_io_ @
@ekbo_de #OurOtherMother
#Earth @erzgruen @news_erzbistum_paderborn #AnotherWorldIsPossible Be together @Aiti
#humanity #OurOtherMother #earth #anotherworldispossible
„Liebe ist ein Wort des Lichtes, geschrieben von einer Hand des Lichtes auf eine Seite des Lichtes.“ (Khalil Gibran) #EarthHour2023 #Humanity #PeopleOverProfit #KidsFirst #OurOtherMother
@erzbistumberlin @fff
#earthhour2023 #humanity #peopleoverprofit #kidsfirst #OurOtherMother
Keep it in the ground... #NaturBewahrenJetzt #PeopleNotProfit #Earth #FightFor1Point5 #KidsFirst #BecauseWeLoveOurChildren #OurOtherMother #Humanity
@DSBKonsistorium @BrFranziskus
#naturbewahrenjetzt #PeopleNotProfit #earth #FightFor1point5 #kidsfirst #BecauseWeLoveOurChildren #OurOtherMother #humanity
Keep it in the ground... #NaturBewahrenJetzt #PeopleNotProfit #Earth #FightFor1Point5 #KidsFirst #BecauseWeLoveOurChildren #OurOtherMother #Humanity
#naturbewahrenjetzt #PeopleNotProfit #earth #FightFor1point5 #kidsfirst #BecauseWeLoveOurChildren #OurOtherMother #humanity
Day 3 #ArtAdventCalendar #NatureAdventCalendar
This was something I created for the #mothersday2021 #OurOtherMother campaign.
Reflecting on our #motherearth , how much she means to us and the need to show her some love before it is too late. 💚🌎
It was run in collaboration with climate parent groups @Parents4FutureUK
Mother's Rise up and others.
#ourbeautifulworld #amotherslove #ourchildrensfuture #protecttheplanet #smallactionsmatter
#ArtAdventCalendar #natureadventcalendar #mothersday2021 #OurOtherMother #motherearth #OurBeautifulWorld #amotherslove #ourchildrensfuture #protecttheplanet #smallactionsmatter
Help us send a memo to COP27 leaders. They need to put #KidsFirst in all decisions. It’s not negotiable!
Our kids' present and future is at stake because of the climate crisis - and we need #ClimateActionNow! #kidsfirst #OurOtherMother
@parents4future @parents4future_se
#OurOtherMother #climateactionnow #kidsfirst